
Nailed it.

Loved this shit. My sister and I watched this movie continuously until the cassette broke (it was 1998).

Yours is OG and perfect.

The only time my friends and I ever talk about her is in reference to how much our moms listen to her and/or how embarrassing she's become

Yeah, I feel like Madonna has reached that point where continuing to try to do stuff is just damaging her legacy.

I mean yeah, but I'm of the mind that even if their motives are selfish and profit-based, sick kids are benefitting from it so I'm okay with it.

New England WASP passive-aggression is a thing of icy beauty, like a glacier. A glacier that just froze your perfectly preserved corpse for 10,000 years with the phrase "How lovely, dear."

Idk, I think he's more like faux-intellectual faux-hipster rapey dude. He's a little bit too undeservedly pretentious to be fratty. Would def still fuck a passed-out girl though. And then be like "I can't be a rapist, I smoked outside 'The Vagina Monologues' one time."

There's just something profoundly but inarticulably icky as fuck about him.

Elle Macpherson has broken my mind. Like, what? How?

Hey now, Branson is a regulation hottie.

I remember when the internet found out I was gay. I started getting a ton of Andrew Christian ads and Red Cross shit nagging me to get tested.

I get where Noel Gallagher is coming from as far as One Direction not writing their own songs goes, and pop music overall not being very good, but it's not like Oasis is some super deep fucking band. Like their music is all groundbreaking and profound. It's really not. I would call Oasis post-grunge pop-rock. It's not

Additionally, most households insisted maids be single and childless. Even upper servants such as butlers, housekeepers, and cooks were generally discouraged from marrying. So if you were a woman with children and little or no male support, laundry was one of the only ways you could support your family, with, as you

Yep. "Laundress hands" was a contemporary term for having permanently red, rough, scarred hands. Fortunately, by the mid-1920s washing machines were becoming relatively common and within the reach of middle-class families. Unfortunately, this put a lot of women who had been previously employed as laundresses (one of

Laundresses were stereotypically haggard, because washing clothes was hard as fuck. It was probably the most physically uncomfortable and demanding domestic chore, which is why even middle class families on modest budgets sent their laundry out if they possibly could.

The summer I was ten my parents revoked my signing privileges at the pool because I order such a grotesque number of Chicago hot dogs.

Whisper to both that the other said he had a small penis, then sit back and let them punch each other.

I get the sense Barbara Bush may not be that fond of Jeb.

"How is babby formed?" is my new favorite thing.