
He's one of the modern directors that I would love to see do some large projects with no visual effects to see their real chops. I think he's got great potential.

It's pretty good, haven't played it in awhile, but I liked it a lot.

I may be alone here, but I hope not.

As I always bring up, I love Akira and a whitewashed live action version would not bother me whatsoever, if it was good. Could take place in Brazil or Zimbabwe and I wouldn't care.

Just going to buy the one with the feature I want most, which will undeniably be the commentary if it comes down to that.

Let me tell you all about how dominant and recessive genes work.

I think that's incest?

Their technology, particularly anything developed by Naomi, tended to be used only for one specific purpose, and left behind when she had a change of heart about what she was doing - for example, FoxDie and her gene-altering work. She definitely fits the recurring theme of scientists being used for evil, she just

Approximately 70% of the handsomeness is coming from Cavill I wager, and that's saying something in a Superman composite.

I'm happy. You people are no fun.

I liked the movie, and especially the final scene leading into the twist, so strange and weirdly artistic considering the rest. The twist...was fine I guess, but definitely fractured the whole end. Any immersion I had was gone because I was just thinking about the writers and director and itching to be a fly on the

ctrl+f Repo Men

They probably should just send it into some restaurant to be served to the next person ordering a burger with no indication that it's different. Then we'd get a blind taste test. I'd like one.

I wish they could let us wiki away small spelling and grammar errors in their articles.

"Have you got him?"

As with every Maddox video, this would have been better as an article on his site.

The things I disliked about Spiderman 3 didn't have to do with there being too many villains, I loved how packed it was, and I wouldn't want to lose any of them.

I haven't watched FMA, something I'm scolded for often. I saw him for Air.