
Retweeted by Danny Zuker

I've never seen and have no interest in Star Trek, but Vic Mignogna seems like an awesome dude. Met him briefly and got his signature on my DVDs of an anime series he did the english voice for. He's quite an individual, as is his wife.

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They don't need a Star Wars world, just a door. The door in a final castle area near the end opens, and Duel of the Fates starts.

That clears up a bit, Chain Days and Coded were the worst offenders. I don't mind returning to Olympus and Agrabah now and again as long as their are new ones alongside.

I'd say 2 and Birth by Sleep are the best. It took some time for them to get going, but now they really don't need the Disney too much any more, they've built up their own worlds and cast enough that a KH-only game would stand just fine by itself.

I heard somewhere that when they were originally being called Indians, while there may have been some, the link to the settlers searching for India being the cause was a myth, and that it was derived from the work indios which means something like 'people of the land'. And many people just ran with the India

The difference is that most F&F movies are unapologetically goofy and cartoonish so it's funny and therefore enjoyable when tuner cars are dragging a plane down out of the air - whereas some Marvel movies like this one are trying to be a bit more earnest and making everyone's eyes roll.

I'll see you in court.

Only clicked the headline to make sure Tom Cruise was listed with the others - he gets a bad rap, but he's very dedicated to the craft. I like him.

That's fine...

Far from hating it, Tron Legacy is my favourite movie to re-watch now. The plot is poorly told, but on paper it's great. Watching Uprising just made it better.

Man, what'd he do that for? It's not like I can feel it too.

The only one that uneases me is the cockroaches, I can't do cockroaches.

I just started reading Astonishing X-Men this week, and the character (anyone who's read it may know who I mean) who sort of fits this description is pretty neat so far.

I'm so sorry everyone.

I smiled, but not as much as I did for the 29 year old girl video. That one was unbelievable, and one of my favourite videos ever.

I believe Candle Cove ought to be the most controversial puppet show.

Hikaru no Go is a goddamn great show.

What a bad teaser, but as long as it says 'In Development' at the end, that's all that matters.