
I think a better conclusion to the battle would be the Chutari surrendering instead of shutting down, which he hated. After the battlestation thing gets toasted, the soldiers all disarm and lay on the ground, the leviathans just circle harmlessly in the air. No automatic shutdown thing like they're robots running on a

If we brought our own water there and tried to create a man-made lake, what would happen? Freeze? Boil? Just sit there nicely?

That's good to know. I saw it twice, and when remembering it, I usually gravitate towards the scenes in the town and the SHIELD base. I was mostly referring to action sequences, a couple of which immediately shattered any immersion I had when they were playing out. Unfortunately, the Thor series is going to be much

As someone who knows nothing about the Marvel universes and went into that movie blind, I'd say that I only had two problems with it, which I hope are addressed in the sequels:

I don't really have any problems with this series other than that it seems a Kinect and Skype are stretching it as far as recording the action goes.

I don't remember the full ending, but I have a thing for cults, particularly full of old people, so I liked that aspect. I don't remember what happened after.

You're not supposed to like things on the internet.

I don't see any tree monsters. I thought of that new non-Uncharted game by Naughty Dog where cities are overgrown with plants.

The through-the-legs section had a tinge of homoeroticism in the FF7 one, but Sora and Riku? Off the charts.

That's a pretty good idea. This weak fade was underwhelming, and looked very faked.

Wasn't the bottom screen in Days just a map and objectives? Anything like that could just be pulled up with a pause menu on any other system It's not like any fundamental features required the touch capability. Reworking any that did wouldn't be so difficult, anyways. There are games that exist on DS as well as other

You should hear Japanese Sebastian the crab....

Crackle and Crunchyroll, please.

The mains maybe, for various reasons, but not the whole world population.

Only one thing I need to know. Do the ants fly all over the place when you shoot them, or disappear in the air like in IA?

I like them. They're kinda funny, they have good music, good effects (apart from Apocalypse's horrible slowmo) and have campy, creative stories that zombie movies don't even try for any more.

In the first one, it was being developed, as zombie viruses always are, as a medical treatment for disease. For profit, but not for murder.

Not high enough resolutions...

Monopoly: Street Fighter, wouldn't it be?

Well the 'remains' fall onto the island, after re-reading. I guess I visualized it breaking apart and the pieces all falling around there.