The Kardashians already extended to a douche line.
The Kardashians already extended to a douche line.
Sebastian lives in a hat!! Childhood favourite!
Here's another - wombat poop is a cube!
I said it at work the other day. Here is a video to assist you with the spread of it.
Conversely, I figure my apt isn't that bad and I can let the dust continue to settle. I do like a good clear out every quarter.
Generally, I found when I stopped keep a mental list of "Things I have to talk to my therapist about". Kinda like bottling, but I used to write a list of all the stuff and go through it, and then one day there wasn't anything on the list.
Good lord, imagine if someone flashed her, I suspect she'd fall over from the offence and expire immediately.
vodka and water mix in a spray bottle.
I watched the Swedish movie this weekend. It was awesome.
to say nothing of loose covers.
this has served me well in convincing my friends I am super dooper intelligent.
well, without knowing wht yor career path is, per se, I can triumphantly tell you that you CAN do all that. You can get into a company who likes you, loves your work and who might be flexible enough to allow you a year's career break when you're settled into your chosen career path. There's a lot of my peers doing…
I think a lot of the lounges have a 3-4 hour limit on them. So they might not be tolerant of the snoozling.
Heh, same thing happened to a friend of mine, except it was his Mini (old school 60s one). Was stolen and repainted, but he still recognised it driving past with another friend (v small town). He still had his key and he just unlocked the car and drove it away (with bonus new stereo!).
Could you tell a white lie and say you don't use it that much? Failing that, lists.
Ugh does this ever suck. I have a "News" folder with the links to either a) newspaper apps or b) a newspaper's mobile web version. Now all my news apps are in the Newsstand, and the others are still in the folder. And I can't put the Newsstand in the frikking folder.
Side note - why don't nail techs get that the white of your nail starts at the tip or very close to the top of your finger, not halfway down the nailbed?
Never mind...
Smaller sizes seem to be in the tin for your purse, the big ones have been plastic for aaaagggggeees.