
This: Research conducted at Duke's social psychology lab...found that girls were more likely to internalise their disappointments than boys, which leads to higher rates of depression. This self-criticism and brooding leaves them disadvantaged when they enter their 20s and start forging their professional paths.

@Vivi21: They make 38" leg jeans for £30 or something. They ship to the US AND AUSTRALIA (shitty customer service though :( )

@la.donna.pietra: Cheers. The gym yoga I do here is sans-meditation. Annoyingly.

@CrashingBore: See, my mum is the daft-apeth. She told me it meant monkey. In your face mum!

Which yoga are we referring to here?

My mum is English and calls me a "dopey/daft apeth". This means I'm a silly monkey- like creature, too stupid to be considered a monkey. Love you mum.

@KiddyKat: Being a tit = being an idiot. Hence, you look like a tit/idiot.

@Sandicomm: Well, kinda, but you need to boil the bejesus out of it before resusing because technically, you'd be putting raw meat juice from steak soaking 1 onto next week's steak soaking 2. Nah, that sounds awful. Just make more.


For years, I thought her name was Mary J. Bilge. And said it out loud.

Oh, isn't she lovely?

#10 reminds me of the toilet roll dollies that grandmas always have in the bathroom, like seeing nekkid toilet paper is an issue.

@bookling: no. she thought it was hilarious at the time.

A friend of mine sent me a video of her giving her then boyf a blow job. I blanked her for a couple of weeks and recently brought it up at a party. She had massive redface.

I"m confused and just woke up - what's going on?

@esprit-follet: Cutout side detailing at front? What does this mean?

I miss Passions.