
Pretty much where I landed. It is one of the games of all time. Played through a trial of game pass, cant imagine myself buying it unless it falls under $30 and gets modded to heck.

Someone who is non-binary is transgender though, as they are not the gender they were assigned at birth. Transgender is not itself a gender.

I’m not going to deny all these other issues, but like others have said, I think it’s not unreasonable to presume that part of this faceplant is on account of the game looking like just the ugliest ‘graphic card pack-in tech demo’ I’ve seen out of AAA in a while.

This is more a critique of climbing as a gameplay mechanic though than the way of marking it. Both are directing player attention to something they can do, but is the yellow paint really detracting from the fun of the activity? If so that implies that the discovery of the climbing is the fun part and not the climbing

Well, sex and gender are not synonyms. Being trans is not necessarily like flipping a switch from one thing to the other. While many trans folk (myself included) would certainly do as you say and just play as both the sex and gender we transitioned to, some may not have decided to transition in the same manner. Some

I’m just curious; Spiderman? The game where the protagonists are fully masked throughout 90%? What exactly is the issue with appearances in that one?

Gave the game away when they brought up Horizon

I can’t remember what game it was, but there was a game in recent years that has ladders you can climb, and ladders you can’t, and the only indicator as to which is which is whether there was a metal door closed over the bottom of it, something that is very difficult to clock from a distance, or the wrong angle. Very

I find it kind of weird that people complain about this but no one complains about the ubiquity of explosive red barrels. Even when it’s disguised as something else like a propane tank or oxygen, everyone knows that if it’s red it’s going to explode, and if it’s not it’s probably just a prop.

Thanks to a certain podcast I also remember this from a while ago and it was indeed a test market release thing. But it got tons of coverage so I think people assumed it was nationwide.

There is actually one character with a rocket launcher that works like that, and they feel like one of the better ones to use honestly, but mostly because it’s so hard to tell where you’re hitting half the time with everyone else.


Disney bent over backwards to try and let her behavior slide (as they usually do with all their talent that court controversy) but she just just doubled and tripled down and got into fights on social media.

I just don’t really know who could do it that has both the capability and desire. Valve probably comes closest but it’d still be a big leap. Short of some sort of black swan, feels like we’ll be stuck for a while.

Kind of feels like the writing’s been on the wall for a while now. Might be the beginnings of Microsoft going the way of Sega (exiting hardware for a far more successful software publishing focus.)

For the record, South Korea is infamously unreasonable on this matter. They regularly jail pacifist religious preachers for conscientious objection despite very obviously meeting all of the qualifications the court cited.

Being jailed for refusing to serve isn’t a punishment because it’s for the same length of time? Probably would come as a surprise to the people that wrote this law.

Great to know Korea’s Supreme Court basically operates on the same moral intelligence level as teen fanfic writers.

I feel like I’d be hard-pressed to remember half the games announced at -this- Game Awards, not unreasonable that someone, no matter how plugged in, wouldn’t remember something that’s been radio silent for a year.

I think a lot of what goes on with discomfort toward MrBeast is that regardless of his true character or personality, he’s a great example of the system we live in “working” in it’s best possible form (something we rarely see) and people feeling like “wow that still kind of sucks”. Guy gets rich and helps others,