
I played the open test they did a little while ago and it does certainly play differently than Splatoon, but covering the arena in your color is still pretty important even if it doesn’t directly affect the scoring system, so I don’t think Splatoon comparisons are unfair at all.

“But what if they deserved death threats?”

Musk has never been one to shy away from starting new companies to make absolutely nothing so I don’t see why he’s so concerned with controlling Tesla now. Perhaps he’s worried he won’t get as generous loans this time.

The idea put forth by this guy that gaming has been slow to be ‘comfortable’ with not owning something compared to movie/music audiences has it wholly backwards. If anything, gaming was ahead of the curve on this while average movie/music audiences are only in recent years starting to recognize the problems inherent

Square Enix about to sue, that title was gonna be their follow up to Triangle Strategy!

They can hide behind telehealth excuses but they won’t convince me this isn’t the start of some push towards trying to make dystopian autodocs

A very long time ago I wrote a musing on this very site (back when TAY was still a thing) that Gravity Rush was secretly a rare example of a superhero origin story in video game form done right, specifically because of it’s disorienting controls.

As it currently exists (or at least, the last time I checked in on it) it’s more or less a bunch of highly detailed and functional vehicles to play with and very big procedural planets but without any longterm gameplay loop or goals, besides owning more ships.

Alas they’ve really covered their bases on legality. Did you know they do this weird thing where, legally speaking, no one ‘buys’ anything but instead ‘pledges’ money to development? Thus, you cannot claim a product was never delivered or services were not fulfilled because you never bought any in the first place. The

One thing I sometimes think about is that single player campaign thing they swear they’re still doing. Didn’t they claim to have completed the big name actors performances many years ago? Surely whatever mocap they used is heavily dated by now, are they still going to use it?

When you go to vote it only shows you games you have played, or are at least in your library

I’m fairly certain this sort of thing is caused by people who, when faced with a selection of things they haven’t played, just go for the one they recognize the most.

That’s only true of the nomination vote, not the actual award vote. You are given a suggested list of nominees based on your interests, but you can select any game on Steam regardless. The nominees that received the most votes became the finalists, which were the same for everyone.

I’m hesitant to write this off completely because I feel like you could make this into The Lego Movie but video games, but I won’t say hopes are high.

It’s wild to me that Genshin’s Kaveh/Alhaitham isn’t just at #5, but also #37 for it’s non-romantic category. My friend loathes these two so it’s just funny to me.

I don’t know, given the quality of the game concept they’re working on here, I can buy that the workforce here aren’t the most, let’s say ‘aware’ individuals. A lot of creators of this kind of schlock seem strangely insulated from anything like social awareness.

I’m always hoping film makers these days will try some original sci-fi works for once but then it turns out the only taker is Zack Snyder. Some monkey’s paw shenanigans going on.

As a TLOU fan the only reason I was even somewhat interested in this was the thought that maybe Naughty Dog could bring something different to the table than everyone else. I’m still curious what they would’ve ultimately come up with, but the risk of it being just a forgettable development time sink was just so high

It seems strange to me that various art websites have managed to maintain this kind of NSFW segregation for a long time without flooding the entire site with porn, or prompting pearl clutching from users, yet Twitch seems unable to do so. Maybe the live aspect of streaming is too much to manage?

So I’ve been someone who felt like the accusations of scam (at least in the malicious, planned out sense) were hyperbolic and this was more a case of wild incompetence and trying to punch way too far above one’s weight. Still ends up a scam but more of one that comes from being too proud to admit defeat rather than ‘th