
It’s kind of wild how many past media projects got roasted for bad marketing media that, while bad, were leagues better looking than this but this somehow got rubber stamped.

To me the most amusing thing is when they complain that some change in the code has made it impossible to figure out how to reproduce the same thing they were “making” before. Almost as though they have no hand in making it at all..

I think that’s what he’s doing also, but my concern with it is that I’m not sure he intentionally set out to rehabilitate the prequels, and instead just tried to work in the space to tell a good story and ended up going down that road.

After he described himself as having politics “straight down the middle” my read on him was ‘centrist’ that’s really a conservative but doesn’t like the blatant bigotry, but also buys into the right-wing agitprop that talking about it is the real issue.

I’m enjoying it so far, though I get the critiques listed here. My only real complaint is they haven’t explained why they believe the map leads to Ezra/Thrawn specifically. I mean presumably this ancient map wasn’t made for that purpose. So why is everyone so certain that it points to where they ended up?

Have they ever given Barsanti a show to watch where they didn’t have to clarify “btw I don’t like the core foundation of this whole project

It’ll be pronounced riff-ann and spelled with seven apostrophes.

A long time ago I watched something that argued Snyder’s weakness is he doesn’t shoot scenes, he shoots moments and then just tries to get enough of them to fill the runtime.

Artless artsy is a good way to put Snyder’s whole deal. The vision behind each scene here is clear but they lack any cohesion with each other and it just looks like “what if all the things?”

.. they said, tearfully pulling their coat over their own copy of the book.

Lot of people who seem to think just shouting “Do better” is an effective means of change.

You’re engaging with a different argument though.

Darkly hilarious that DeSantis’ only real chance at winning the primary is taking advantage of the fact he got given the political gift most could only dream of (opponent being charged with basically treason) and he’s falling over himself to not take it and instead doing stupid stuff like this.

Feel like this happens with a lot of streamers whose initial rise to fame was being highly skilled/pro player, and I wonder if its just that as they age they will naturally decline in skill and have no ideas on how else to keep people watching, so they just go all in on being outrageous in some way or another.

We have worm at home.

accidentally causes a riot by promising to give stuff away is about as low on the influencer scandal scale as you can get.

From the CBS Story:

What the others said is right, and I’d also add that for some reason I’ve had luck securing quick selling items on Lego’s Amazon storefront, which seems to have it’s own stock. When their Horizon Zero Dawn set restock sold out on Lego.com within minutes I just on a whim decided I’d see if I could set up a stock alert

I have to imagine that this strange decision to have it premiere only in the game is a poor response to the common, years old complaint that all the story stuff, such as these shorts, were completely outside of the game.

Everytime I’ve been to GameStop in the last five or so years I’ve been struck mostly by how paltry their selection is. It’s as though nothing is available without ordering it ahead of time. Best Buy has more recent and varied games in stock than them, and the only Best Buys around me are basically half shuttered.