
I think the comparison to Musk is not so much to compare their status or even current behavior or personality but to ask the reader to see how if Musk is at the end of the “destructive rich person” road, Beast is dangerously close to the beginning, even if he isn’t trying to be.

From The Hollywood Reporter

Only loosely germane but; is anyone still out there pretending that Microsoft will be able to “fix” ActiBlizz if they acquire it?

Especially weird to take the swing at Spider-Verse of all things too, considering how many Marvel haters hold it up as ‘the right way to make superhero movies.’

Calling it now, they’re gonna go full only streaming platform at some point.

Although they’re also at a slight disadvantage as the majority of exclusive Series titles are also on PC at the same time as console.

This weird act they keep having to engage in to appease antitrust boards by acting all “we’re so weak and powerless” is now just morphing into “nothing is our fault.

The key word there in that quote is startup, which means that basically yeah they do need to seek being bought. Especially now with interest rates going up.

How could Bethesda have greenlit this launch?

Nah, The exec playbook is to point to predictable failures as proof that they need to shutter the studio and send them to whatever their corporation’s equivalent of the Call of Duty mines are.

A shame, if a bit unsurprising. I generally have enjoyed Arkane’s games. Loved the Dishonoreds and found Deathloop a surprisingly addicting sandbox. But the trailers/presentations for Redfall never really did anything for me, and if anything each subsequent one somehow felt less interesting than the previous. Not

?? At no point in the article, either this one or the full Eurogamer interview, do they say they ever even tried to give this card an AI beyond randomness. Or say that it’s because she’s “chaotic.”

If their goal was surprising the player then they definitely succeeded I think. I only started playing this game a little over a month ago and the first time I encountered this card in play was in a game where I was both struggling and feeling a little confused by the opponent’s strategy, tricking me into thinking

though it’s important to recognize that not everybody will have the same takeaway. As the lines stand, they have two very opposite potentialities: the ability to subvert or the ability to reify negative stereotypes.

Seems to have been changed to morality by the time I read this, so definitely a typo I guess.

That they don’t know how to properly manage their budget doesn’t make it inexpensive.

I mean, sure, indie titles with small fanbases and low profiles come out all the time, but most of them don’t feature Danny Glover, Chuck Norris, and Vanilla Ice. To equate something like a niche Sherlock Holmes title to this clearly expensive and highly produced venture is silly.

This is why the incel community will never start a movement and bring about change.

At this point DeSantis’ hat probably needs to be something like Vanta Black

Here’s the thing; corporations are not your friend, this is obvious. They are machines that do not care about morals or rights or anything besides their profit margins, and if they thought it was more profitable to throw in with fascist wannabes they would in a heartbeat.