
“Businesses should be free from government oversigh- wait not like that”

So much tantrum throwing and self humiliation just to receive his reward of being pancaked by an NFT salesman.

Yeah, for example this threat of toll roads is bizarre because, well, toll roads are meant to pay for the road maintenance, but Disney pays for the roads within the district. So having state owned toll roads within it would just be a highwayman’s tribute that got pocketed by the state?

Yeah that line in the article made me chuckle because, absolutely they do not need to. Otherwise Illumination would not be rolling in dough from their inexplicably ultra profitable Minions films.

Yeah and I don’t know if people have forgotten, but the reason the Paper Mario games got washed of their plot after that game was because Miyamoto put the kibosh on it. So considering his involvement with this film, I don’t think anything more complex was ever going to be on the table.

Maybe I’m wrong but I suspected the Yoshi scene may have also been a sneaky little Godzilla ‘98 ending joke.

I thought the Vita was a good system that just had no support and died from there being no real library for it. But even if people did want a “Vita 2" I feel like there’s no real place for it anymore.

But Playstation already has Remote Play streaming that works with most tablets and phones, so why am I buying this and not just a controller grip for my phone if it offers no additional functionality?

Saying Luci prematurely announced the GoFundMe makes it sound like it was an accident or miscommunication but they started their post with “the other devs don’t know I’m doing this but I’m going to regardless.”

I remember being at SXSW one year and there was a Faze Clan booth, and I never did manage to figure out what they actually y’know.. did. Aside from apparently live in spaces comprised solely of black and white decor.

Oh for sure, like don’t get me wrong the guy is clearly a moron and this could be seen coming a mile away. But just cause it’s predictable doesn’t make it acceptable. It’s hard to feel bad for the guy but a shooting is still a shooting.

Pretty wild the amount of people who are like “but what if the guy was really harassing him or something” as though that makes attempted murder suddenly acceptable.

Yeah generally speaking I’m a big believer in giving something a second season unless it’s like record setting bad, since often show runners can figure out what worked and what didn’t and refine it. Lots of shows I love had rough first seasons and then found their footing in the second.

Yeah but Dragon did that on half the budget, Last of Us even less, which I think is the real problem. You definitely don’t want to be spending double to end up fighting to a draw. Not that Amazon is hurting for cash, but you gotta imagine they want to be maximizing their return on investment.

Yeah I think the Expanse is a fantastic show that is one of my favorites and would happily recommend it to anyone with an interest in space Sci-fi, but it is also very much a niche and not the sort of the thing that will ever do mass appeal numbers.

This article almost gets at what was my primary concern before the series came out: has Amazon really had any big successes with their Originals? I have no idea how Wheel of Time did, and Expanse I would argue doesn’t really count since it was an acquisition. Only one I ever heard hype around was The Boys.

Why are we jumping to Moana already? Feels so recent to be getting a remake. These are all terrible but you’d think they’d at least tap Frozen first.

They usually can’t define it because what it really means to them is: “A slur I’m still allowed to say”

Oh yeah for sure, it was definitely not clear enough that it was a joke considering the state of things. Parody that is indistinguishable from sincerity is doing more harm than good.

So I will throw in here that that Steam post from the tweet in the article is almost certainly parody and not genuine, though it is mocking genuine arguments that are present on the Steam Forums they seem to have witnessed.