
Gonna be honest, this is a pretty wild read that makes me think the division caused by the ending will not be mitigated at all. Because to me, I was thinking during the finale: “Wow Joel comes off even worse here than in the game.” Especially because the show, for the most part, has avoided Joel being depicted as a

My read on this is less that they want to polish things up (though I’m sure they will) and more that they want to move it out of what is going to be a pretty competitive quarter between Zelda, FFXVI, SF6 etc. Possibly before the backlash they thought it would be able to hold it’s own and now aren’t so sure.

Normally I would say that this reeks of legal trouble, but considering the Seinfeld official twitter linked to them at one point I’m pretty sure there weren’t lawyers banging down their door. However, I can see if they’re hoping to monetize this someway with like, merch or something, they might feel they need to

Yeah the meta comments are correct. Similar with that infinite Steamed Hams AI, it’s only funny because you know what it’s supposed to be like, and the deviations are absurd by comparison. Like looking at something through a funhouse mirror, or an aliens attempt at recreating something. Bereft of that, it just feels

To be fair to Filoni, Mythosaur was it’s name in Pre-Disney SW. Though honestly, I’m surprised that of everything from the old EU that was changed, they decided to keep that one.

Honestly I kind of hope that little guy goes unexplained. When Bo-Katan was rescuing Din I honestly was thinking “please don’t say what it was.” I just sort of like Star Wars having these bizarre life forms that just sort of leave it to your imagination to guess where they came from, or what they were doing.

Yeah, that’s why I say I’m not sure it would remain playable. Either you’re constantly warping everywhere which kind of undermines the concept, or you’re actually driving which, let’s be honest, would get boring real fast.

While I get what you’re trying to say, just gonna throw this out there; a lot of the “everyday” activities described here are still escapism for someone like me, who has only ever lived in an American suburban sprawl environment where these are absolutely not common everyday occurrences that I can relate to.

Just looking at this comment section and the more general online reaction, it’s weird (by which I mean, extremely predictable) how quickly and with such tenacity certain supposedly “I don’t have anything against” types are to chastise entire identities as being at fault for some people’s bad behavior.

Nothing is true given, everything is permitted earned

As someone who never bothered with HP, I did always wonder at this; is Quidditch actually workable as a game? I would not expect a fantasy story to come up with highly detailed and workable mechanics/rules over some fictional sport. Just from that description in the article it sounds more like “I’m going to write

Though DeSantis is spinning this as a win, it’s worth noting that unsurprisingly he’s lying about almost everything he says about the bill and it’s far more in Disney’s favor than he cares to admit. This bill cancels the bill passed last year that would’ve dissolved the special district entirely when it took effect

I wouldn’t worry too much, “high production value” and FNAF are not words that have ever gone together.

It’s a weird hill to die on because as already stated, it seems besides minor stirs here and there, Family Guy has somewhat oddly evaded anyone’s sights. Was there ever a big push to sideline it? The most I can remember is some people asking MacFarlane if he’d admit that the show had handled things in poor taste.

I’ve long suspected that King was what they were really after. Which only makes their past arguments about Nintendo and Sony seem irrelevant since neither can be said to be major players in the mobile market aside from maybe Pokemon Go or something.

Genuinely shocked that this actually ended up becoming a thing. The Vitality Sensor shall yet rise!

For sure, it made perfect sense and wasn’t immersion breaking, I just always get a kick out of when say, you have that Target logo where vines are growing around but not over it lol. As ad placements go, it’s about as inoffensive as possible.

I’ve been looking forward to this episode and it did not disappoint, they nailed the understated nature of their romantic feelings where it was both obvious but fairly subdued as you would expect from their age.

All I could think about was The Expanse lol.

Feels like a pretty cynical way to look at things and a pretty big reach. I mean it’s obvious to anyone that “The Turning” is not just a random fighting game and very specifically meant to be alternate Mortal Kombat of some variety. So of course they would use it for real if they had the chance.