
Yeah, the footage here looks so rough that I’m hesitant to draw conclusions about almost anything. Plus we still have no real release date so it’s not like the game is coming out in a couple months and this is the state it’s in.

I completely forgot the battle mode was different originally, should’ve realized the Splatoon arena would not have been in the original just timeline wise.

Being LGBT myself, I’ve always gravitated towards healer/support roles in multiplayer games and it’s definitely a mixture of the “important but not usually verbally harassed” (except by Genjis that think jumping ten miles behind the enemy is a good use of my time) and a sort of desire to support the team by filling

I maintain that Mario Kart 8 is, bizarrely, one of the best examples of a multiplayer focused, post launch supported game in the current era. While obviously it’s now receiving a massive content injection, initially it just released like four map packs and then coasted for 8 years on just that and a re-release that

I don’t remember Left Behind getting the same level of flak tbh. I’m sure it did somewhat, but certainly not what we saw with TLOU2 and now this. Wonder how much of that is because Ellie was young (conservatives love to write that off as confused) and also because of how it ends. If it’s unhappy then that’s usually

I also see a lot of people complaining and saying “the show is about Joel and Ellie” they used that flimsy excuse to rip apart the second game too, but hey, newsflash, this game and tv show adaption is called “The Last of Us.” not “The Joel and Ellie Show.”

My general view of AI is that it’s ability to be interesting is an inversion of it’s uncanny valley. There’s a point (like this ‘show’ seems to be at) where it’s almost able to depict something but only in such an inhumanly distorted manner that it feels alien and thus, fascinating to watch/observe. Before that

Literally no different than the talking points you hear over here about how we need to induce a recession to solve the “labor shortage” (people choosing jobs that pay fairly instead of exploit them)

Supposedly Engage was originally going to be an anniversary title, before it’s schedule got jumbled up by covid, and so I can imagine that might be part of the reason it was pared back; to harken back to Fire Emblem’s earlier days (probably why it also has that extremely plain UI, which has huge NES Fire Emblem vibes)

I tried to keep an open mind; after all if the battling is great then it’s a bummer but not that important if the writing is nonexistent right? And I’ve enjoyed tactics games with totally nameless soldiers before. But after watching playthroughs to judge, the dearth of world building and character writing isn’t just

I haven’t even picked up Engage and just from what I’ve seen it’s also making me want to just pick up Three Houses again. And I already did all the routes lol.

Coming back to this because it only just struck me he decided to keep his chat overlay on for his apology. Absolutely incredible.

Sims 4 may be DLC hell but they really seem ahead of the curve on stuff like this. I really hope it is present from the start whenever this fabled Sims 5 comes around.

The thing I keep wondering is why is his wife just crying besides him through the video. If I were her I would not want my husband who already violated our friend’s and I’s trust to put my heartbreak on display for content.

Firstly, I don’t know if there is a name for it but there is certainly a trend of people attacking the popular flavor of the year or w/e. But I don’t think it’s people “turning on them” as much as, once the big hype dies down people who were always against them finally have space to talk and so they take over the

I mean can you really blame people for being skeptical of a “good rich guy” philanthropist considering well, everything? We (but especially Twitter) just had a weeks long saga about “one of the good ones” being arrested for scams and fraud.

Yeah games that have longevity rarely seem to have been designed around it, at least at the start. Rather they just happen to hit gold and then decide to run with it for as long as they can rather than presuming they’ll have the juice. I’d even say Fortnite is in that category, being the hail mary play that it was to

Still surprises me that Rockstar somehow managed it with GTAV, but I’d guess that owes more to it being a sandbox game that is well suited to content creators finding endless ways to keep it in the public eye.

God this line of reasoning is so irritating and desperately reliant on people not understanding that anti-trust complaints are not about “company big.”

While a very small moment, Ellie knocking the hands off the clock made me laugh and continue to appreciate how well Bella Ramsey sells ‘sarcastic and genuine kid’ which is a really tough needle to thread. It would be very easy to make those two sides of Ellie feel like they did not mesh or were forced but she’s