
Better(?) fate than some of his peers at least. Read some speculation that a surprising number of crypto multi millionaires are turning up dead under mysterious circumstances in the last couple months, and that crypto’s use as a refuge for organized crime funds might be related. Cause a mob to lose a bunch of money

Yes! I’m so glad this game is getting more attention. I’ve been a fan for the last couple months ever since it was streamed by Vinesauce. I’ve described it as the joy of watching inanimate objects existing in a slightly different way than before. For the type of person who got strangely excited when a screensaver

Speaking personally, I think it’s partly just that the world presented in the first film had the advantage of mystery; what is this world, this technology, what does using it mean? But in the end the world it presented was kind of boring and straightforward. Now there is no mystery so it’s just, ‘here’s another story

I think part of the “deciding that they hated it” is just that it was largely forgettable to a lot of people unlike most of his work. So there’s no position in someone’s mind to defend when it’s criticized. More years that go by the more the natural response is just “Well I don’t remember anything about it so I guess

Yeah, it’s very bad that so many industry’s lobbyists have so much pull that they can basically ignore antitrust laws, but the solution to that is not “let’s just let another industry join their ranks.”

Geez one big advantage Fortnite has with their all crossplay stuff is that they can use the best looking version of the game in their trailers, whereas PUBG Mobile being a separate product means it looks like Gmod footage from 2006

I think a lot of people get caught up on “but Sony is bigger” and other comparisons of numbers. But what you gotta remember (about US law at least) is that monopolies are not actually inherently illegal. If you end up with a monopoly just because people prefer your product and you manage your business well that’s just

Seems so strange for arguably one of the most successful actors of the current age to get hung up on maybe one film didn’t do so well. Like people poke fun at him and his other work all the time but this one apparently needs defending? I guess he is just really invested in the idea of playing a superhero.

I remember whenever this game would show up at E3 or similar events, my sentiment after the video finished was always just “That sure is a game.”

It’s funny because I remember one of the minor controversies at the time the game came out was that some reviewers were being too nice to the game. As I recall this is one of those games that earned IGN’s “something for everyone” marks.

Feels like this happens so often that I wonder if people like this try to put tame “controversy” moments in just to blame it in case the game flops.

Nothing you’ve said there contradicts anything I brought up. Obviously a work depicting someone else’s IP cannot be sold without authorization. Which is why such a work will automatically demand a higher cost since the artist isn’t going to be able to profit off it the way a non IP work would. Epic doesn’t

Did he specifically pledge to bring modern/future games? Because I can totally see them putting out older titles as a collection of ports, which would technically be “bringing Call of Duty” to the Switch.

You seem very hung up on the fact that Epic doesn’t technically resell the splash screen art (debatable, since many are behind the paywalled portion of the Battle Pass and thus are being charged for.) But I think a helpful comparison would be advertisements. Commercials are not technically being sold to anyone, quite

The key is the copyright buyout, which massively increases the price. For a freelancer (who also have the additional problem of self-employment taxes and in this case, agency cuts) a significant chunk of their income is through sales of prints or other merchandise of their work that they produce. Asking for copyright

Some of the best movie tie-in games of the age for sure. Is this genre still alive? 2D linear beat em ups have certainly endured but I feel like 3D ones just had their combat sort of absorbed by open world games like Arkham etc.

But I mean, the technical stuff is the only stuff that is objective. Everything else is a matter of taste.

Yeah I don’t understand that either. I guess maybe they’re trying to imply that game fans wouldn’t want to see the exact same thing they already experienced but in live action? Which is just not true in my reckoning. And it’s not like it’s dropping new viewers into the middle of something that only devoted fans will

It looks great but I gotta share that I’ve seen several reactions online of: “Relieved to see a faithful adaptation for once instead of trying to insert modern virtue messaging” which aside from it’s usual dumbness is just, a very, very funny thing to say about TLOU.

Yeah that’s the big one, showing the result live for something like this is a bad call and always results in these sorts of “rally the troops” calls and it just turns into pick a side rather than everyone answering honestly.