
I don’t really have an opinion on the state of the game since I don’t play, but I have noticed the lack of presence on Twitch the article mentions and found it very surprising.

NFT people don’t really have a great grasp of copyright/trademark law (see the Inuyasha Coin attempt), a significant number of them have convinced themselves that as long as they made all the “artwork” themselves then they’re fine.

“Whoopsie!” always feels weird as PR language.

Exactly, but crypto world is absolutely rife with this sort of ‘reinvent the wheel but worse’ type thinking. Everyone there has deluded themselves into thinking that because they know something about coding, anything they come up with is inherently superior to existing tech/systems even when it’s way outside their

Except like everyone’s pointed out, there isn’t really even novelty. It’s all been done before and better. It’s wild to me that these people aren’t just promoting it but seem genuinely proud of it.

Irrelevant to the actual content but; When I scrolled past this story I thought for a second Kotick’s eyes had been edited and replaced with something else. Why does he look so weird in this picture??

I mean your summation there is pretty much an accurate assessment. I don’t know what the arguments were in other spaces, but the ‘legitimate’ use that was pitched to creators at least, was that NFTs would make it possible for digital art to be as valued as physical art, by making it so an artists work could be unique

It’s strange that it really does look like some sort of halloween costume. I guess like the article suggests it’s just the clash of styles. CoD bodies aren’t really well suited to this sort of thing. Plus that jacket looks way too loose.

Yeah, I’d wager they probably should’ve or meant to say if you’re someone traveling this part of the internet; someone who would read Kotaku not knowing what Twitch is would be almost unthinkable.

This is also important tbh. If this whole NFT thing bursts and collapses, companies like Square will be able to drop it and move on like nothing happened. Burnt goodwill sure, but financially sound. It’s only the companies that are literally built on NFTs that are at risk of total failure if it all goes up in smoke.

I wouldn’t be so sure that they realize it’s not something that goes over well on the net, though this guy in particular seems to acknowledge it a bit. Odds are they do have PR teams like you say that will tell them about the potential pitfalls, but executives like this often prioritize their own social circle’s

MK8D will never be dethroned unless they release a new Mario Kart I’d wager. Aside from just being popular regardless, it’s pretty much the only bundled game you can get, which makes it an attractive choice for first time buyers.

Yeah, I feel like if this had been done closer to the Game Boy Color’s actual time, no one would’ve batted an eye. But because it’s retro now people get all weird about it. But there were over 100 million of these things, I don’t think 15 are going to really put a dent in preservation efforts.

I noticed this as well and thought it was pretty funny

Their choice of venue for this statement sure is something.

I don’t know about the Warzone stuff but I adore the idea of getting hunted down for not playing the objective.

This is hardly surprising but definitely supports the comparison of NFTs to “high art” investors who really aren’t interested in what they’re buying and are just trying to launder money/resell it as quickly as possible. As soon as there is some sort of additional requirement they’re not interested.

In general they tend to stream more typical TV stuff, like sports games or Prime TV premieres. But it seems some of them have their own programming like the one in this article which is essentially a Late Night show.

But they said his answers were vague and leaned on buzzwords like “metaverse” and “web 3.0,”

I would caution that Patreon is currently flirting with NFTs, their CEO at least has made some supportive/interest statements, though they have not really done anything yet. They do have this weird “creator coin” thing they just launched a couple of months ago, which isn’t real crypto or NFTs but strikes me as them