
What I find odd is, this article and others have talked a lot about how serious Nickelodeon is about supporting a competitive fighting game, and then when voice acting is brought up people refer to how to Nick was not willing to pay for it. So how serious are they? It sounds like they’re cautious about whether this is

I don’t know, I wouldn’t count on much of a statement this time. The first time around she shared anti-vax content and got backlash she put out an apology, but shortly afterwards she “parted ways” with her PR team. Then later deleted the apology. My guess is she got a new team who wouldn’t advise apologizing for this

I mean, I’ve been afraid of needles my entire life, but I’m not gonna let it stop me from getting a vaccine or blood drawn or anything else medical. I just have a little anxiety spike while they do it.

eFootball makes me think it’s an early Facebook game or something.

Considering all I’ve heard from the Battlefield community for the last 4-5 years was “just go back to BF4" this article just sounds like DICE doing exactly what they want. Comparing it to Halo seems odd to me since I’ve always felt they’re such different games that they aren’t really in competition in the same way

Yeah, while I get that they may not have had a choice in the matter, I feel like this will definitely hurt it in general audiences. Competitive types might be perfectly content as long as the game is mechanically sound, but I feel like all fighting games, not just Smash, rely so much on sound design to convey

We’re really at the point that major corporations have to remind players of the Golden Rule huh

I don’t know, but I wouldn’t bet on it being anytime soon. Not as long as the model works. Genshin itself is a good example of how there’s lots of untapped potential beyond most Gacha games “pulling for jpgs you use in very short gameplay segments” style. And even among those, some of these gacha games out there have

I suppose some of this reporter’s reputation is from the very early reporting on the existence of what would become the Switch Lite, almost a year before it’s announcement. So it’s not like he’s never been right, but this 4K stuff has been consistently wrong or denied. My guess is the reporter must have a source that

Nintendo loves “no comment” or vague “we are always working on new tech” statements, so the fact they have consistently outright denied the Bloomberg reporting makes me skeptical of it’s accuracy. Of course, nothing unusual about a company lying, but Nintendo is pretty conservative about issuing denials historically.

Japanese business culture treats secrecy with a much greater gravity than in Western countries. It’s not unheard of for nearly finalized deals to be completely scrapped because one company announced they were in talks without consulting the other first. It’s not just the legal aspect of it, not respecting their

While it’s true there is the human version, there is no denying that many of these anti-vaxxers are taking the livestock version. Largely because they can’t get their hands on the human one as the people peddling it as a covid cure are overwhelmed, and actual doctors won’t prescribe it.

I don’t know what kind of tools they’re using here, but just based on looking at it, it looks like they’re using hand animated 2D effects, which even in open source tools like Blender you can make a 2D object in the same “space” as 3D CG models. It allows you to do some pretty neat stuff and this team seems to be

I saw someone on twitter saying that it gives off some “Tim Burton Batman” vibes and, I can kinda see that.

Noticed this as well, here’s hoping!

I was reminded of this interview this blog did with Billy West way back when and feel like he sums up my concerns with this casting well:

Agreed, while everything else were good side stories, this felt like: “What is a Star Wars saga in less than 20 minutes

My concern is that most of Pratt’s voice acting work is just his normal speaking but slightly pitched up or down. And I just can’t imagine that coming out of Mario and feeling natural. I hope to be proven wrong, but even if Pratt is fine he’s not the only confusing choice here.

This is true, and the reason I didn’t single it out is I honestly forgot it entirely. As Peach has always been the most “normal” I imagine it’d be pretty hard to mess it up.

Charlie Day was the best one, and Jack Black -might- also work I’d need to hear it. The rest was so befuddling that I could not stop from laughing between just repeating ‘what’.