
Byleth is odd to me because I personally found Byleth more interesting than either Robin or Corrin which seems odd considering those characters had full dialogue. Yet I never really felt any particular attachment to them and cannot recall much of their personality at all. Byleth’s personality is almost solely

It’s exploitative for sure, but I’m not really sure what’s “insidious” about it. Subtle is not exactly something I’d describe it with.

I think the problem is that comparing the very real issue of doctors throwing medication at depression without any real plan is not at all comparable to how HRT is treated. The barriers to getting hormones for trans people are often enormous and doubly so for young trans people, often with fatal consequences as people

Yeah I’m having some difficulty understanding what she’s doing, but it’s definitely not very Sombra like. Certainly when compared to Omen who is literally just legally distinct Reaper including his teleport ability.

Trust no one, not even yourself

It’s definitely 90% Counter-strike, 10% Overwatch/Hero Shooter. The powers are not really the focus, they’re overwhelmingly more about creating opportunity for gunplay than they are about getting kills. Far more tactical. So I wouldn’t call it an evolution, but an interesting wrinkle on an old formula.

They really need a quick-play mode because this is one of the biggest things turning me off right now. I don’t get why it has to be so long? Just cause that’s how CS:GO did it?

Yeah the problem I had, as a newcomer, is that I have no frame of reference for how much harder this is than the game is normally. Is it a lot harder? A bit harder? I’m guessing the former but it definitely doesn’t make me feel confident about making a decision on whether or not this is a game I’d enjoy. So far I find

Wholeheartedly agree with this, I think when Troy Baker is talking about “taking away the meaning of her death” it’s exactly about what you wrote. Ellie ultimately chose her fate and thus took full ownership of her life, including how it would end, only for Joel to decide he needs to save her from herself. She gets

The game doesn’t do a great job at explaining this, but that 10-turn limit means it’s 10 turns for each set of gates, not 10 turns for the entire stage. Once you pass through one gateway, the counter resets.

I think as the article suggests, the ethical question is not so much in that it exists but that the immediate instinct was to package and market it as sensationalist TV rather than perhaps allow it to be done in private or study if something like this would actually help or hurt someone who is grieving.

I think the problem people have with the 16 hours in Rise as opposed to TLJ isn’t about the amount of stuff that happens in that time, but the distances that are seemingly ignored. Star Wars has always been pretty clear that hyperspace travel is not instantaneous, some routes between planets could take days, but for

I still just find it bizarre that having a different director for each movie was the plan from the start. It would be one thing if things had just fallen apart along the way, but to actually plan to make a trilogy like it was a relay?

Yeah, the way it shows up as literally one of the last scenes in TLJ makes it seem like an afterthought. I know that Poe was supposed to die in TFA but once they changed their mind on that you’d think they’d try to integrate more. As it is, TFA and TLJ feel more like “+ Poe” is tacked on to the end of the title.

Definitely, it’s like they didn’t realize until Rise that we haven’t seen these people actually become a group until the last second and need to rush it now. I know that splitting up the cast is a pretty common thing in long stories, the original trilogy did it plenty in Empire and Jedi, but you gotta have the cast

It also kind of undermines the very idea of “taking out” the New Republic since, if it has to move all the time, then presumably every host planet has to have the infrastructure already to support the bureaucracy. So okay all your Senators and maybe even entire leadership is dead but can’t one of the apparently many

No that was another planet called Hosnian Prime. I -think- someone mentions it’s name like once in passing but you’d be forgiven for not knowing that since it’s extremely poorly communicated what’s even being depicted in that part.

Yeah this would be my biggest problem with this script. They’d either have to explain how Plagueis fits in (maybe Plagueis learned what he did from this Tor Valum and Palpatine learned of his existence after killing Plagueis and then went to learn from them) or just leave it hanging and looking like a big plot hole.

Timing I feel is a huge problem in Rise. I honestly missed the fact that this was supposed to be happening in 16 hours the first time I saw it and when I was told I thought that can’t possibly be true because how does any of this happen that quickly? Especially when Rey goes back to Ahch-to and then Exegol, both of

Yeah, if Finn had perhaps seen (even if he didn’t participate) in more stuff that was bad and could reflect on/struggle with it would help this script’s idea of Rey being inspired by him as well.