
I feel like it would be ill advised to try a direct adaptation, especially with something like an RPG that has player choice. Would probably be better to do something that’s original but in the same setting/time period.

I’d suspect that too, since for the Terminator and Hot Tub Time Machine bits the dialogue is actually “..whatever Skynet’s been using, and this hot tub.” which, unlike the other time machine cameos, avoids saying the actual film title’s/characters so maybe that was good enough for Lego to sign off on it. (Though

I was also there but only on Friday, now thinking I went on the wrong day since I didn’t see any of these! I think Saturday might be the right call next time

It’s kind of weird that EA would become so concerned about timeliness when they just keep axeing these games which, surprise, isn’t speeding things along. At this point they’ve had the Star Wars license for over five years and have only put out two non-mobile games? One of which was criticized for being un-finished

Jesus Christ, I cannot support this idea for ads at all but if you’re going to do it wouldn’t you at least want to make it -try- to blend in with the games color palette? This looks like they just used the first jpeg they could find.

I didn’t think it was possible to exceed my wildest hopes but they dID IT WHAT

The UI and Menus thing tbh I think is just a DICE thing now. Ever since they hit upon this, white minimalist lines idea with SWBF1 it seems like every game has to use some variation of it and I kind of wish they would let each game do it’s own thing.

The Last Tiger certainly doesn’t like Nazis but it still wants you to to appreciate their bravery. Whatever condemnation it offers is washed away by its flattening valorization of any and all forms of soldiery.

I mean they might realize that many of Persona’s current fans have only been with the series since 3 or 4 onwards and this is a way to give them one of the ones they never experienced but yeah I find it a very strange choice considering the poor localization, the fact that Atlus seems to largely ignore it’s existence

The number of character’s doesn’t bother me, but the lack of variety like the second to last paragraph points out does. Especially since it feels like it kind of fails Fire Emblem as a franchise. The weapon triangle gets no representation! If you only ever played Smash you’d probably think everyone used swords.

I’m fortunate enough to live somewhere with an Alamo Drafthouse and they are by far the only kind of theater I can enjoy going to for these reasons in particular:

On the flip side, it is immensely satisfying to deny this scenario by either:

Actually XCOM itself had a scheme like this if you all remember. I think the reward that time was the extra hair styles, extra colors, and a copy of Civ 5. In fact I'm pretty sure this is the 3rd or 4th time Steam's done this over the past year so I'm surprised Kotaku is getting indignant about it only now with

Probably meant "hard to find in a grocery store" as most people don't regularly look to buy food online.

Having everything still flash red when it takes damage was a cute touch. <3

Heck, I still hop on CoD2 MP sometimes. For some reason I just still adore that game.

Have to agree with this. I truly do sympathize with the writer here, I'm sorry for all he's gone through.

I think the girl with the golden pickaxe has been playing a little too much Minecraft. Oh wait she has a mining helmet, Terraria then.