
The guy in my story was not always able to make his rent on time. To hear him and his family tell it, they literally did not have the money to pay the rent on time each month. Even after working out a payment plan.

My parents “had enough money” because they ran up the credit card bills to have leftover funds.

You can buy a beater boat cheaper than a beater car in a lot of places...

I definitely wouldn’t call someone who is making that much “poor” or anywhere close to it. A lot of middle-class salaried people are absolutely horrible with their money, and they act like it can’t possibly be their fault.

As I pointed out to SheeshTheseNames, I’m not talking about a yacht, here. A shitty used boat is well within the means of someone who is willing to skip paying a rent check to buy it.

I think you may be overestimating how much a shitty used boat costs.

I try not to judge people when I don’t know their circumstances. I get it that maybe you’re having an overpriced meal because you got a gift card for Christmas, or you bought your fancy car before you got downsized at your job.

So what on earth did squibs do? 

When I did Crossfit I tried to learn to jump rope. I came in early every session for a year and never really could get past fifty or so singles and maybe two double unders in a row. 

So unrealistic. Sidney Poitier is way too well-spoken to be a police officer.

Just FYI, you have the details of the more recent allegations wrong. Dr. Allers does not allege that he placed his hand inappropriately for the photo itself. She has a tattoo of the solar system on her shoulder, and after the photo was taken he stopped her, moved her to look at the tattoo, and used his finger to trace

I live in the DC area... a really horrible dating environment, in my experience.

So, because he dislikes (presumably white) servers speaking to him like they're hanging out in the frat, you feel he must also be racist? Ok.


1) I wish I’d studied more. If I knew then what I know now, it would have saved me a lot of anxiety and self-doubt. In other words: I wish that I’d known about retrieval practice and had the discipline to keep up a daily review schedule.

This is a bad take on the Eli Lake tweet. He’s not confused, and he’s not “comparing” the tweets. He’s calling people out for hypocrisy: if you thought it was wrong to comb through someone’s old tweets to get them fired before, you should think the same thing now. And that argument works just as well, if not better,

It really sounds like you just need to get out of your own way! Maybe it is time for some introspection to see why you aren’t responding to the obvious hints you’re getting. I can certainly relate to failing to notice that flirting is flirting - I had that happen a couple of times in my twenties - but when someone

Yep, been there, done that.

I’m a guy, so the social expectation is that I do the asking, unless I were a good-looking guy, which I am not. In other words, it is my job to “try.” If we’re talking about Tinder, I’m not “trying” at all, unless trying means swiping left or right. Like I said: 0 matches until yesterday.

Thanks. I actually tried Tinder for two years and Bumble for one. I actually got my first Tinder match yesterday. It was a bot.