
People want an explanation from me, as well. They just understand why I don’t find online dating appealing. I don’t feel especially privileged to be totally alone and lonely. I’m not saying (and you can look at my other posts) that online dating is a bed of roses for women. But trust me, it is a bag of poop for

It means neither. Rather, that a lot of guys will just never get responses using online dating. It isn’t high risk, though it is very time consuming. It isn’t expensive, either. It is more of an “it isn’t worth the effort” kind of thing.

I said “I’m a guy” because it isn’t socially acceptable to say “I’m not a good looking guy.” When I say the former, we can share an understanding without the hearer being forced into the awkward position of agreeing with my self-disparaging comment.

1. Perhaps.

I am a chronically single man and I do get grilled about it... or grilled indirectly. Nobody suggests online dating to me. If they do, I just say “I’m a guy,” and they just nod.

Same here, a guy who hasn’t had a date for over three years. I don’t blame anyone - not even myself - at this point. Sometimes things just don’t work out the way we’d hoped, right?

I’m in my late 30s and male, but I’m with you. I haven’t had a date in three years, and that was a couple years after the last date I’d had before that. I haven’t had a fourth date in my adult life, and only one second (and third) date. I tried online dating, I tried meeting people in socially acceptable venues, and I

It really sounds like a group of people who decided to be socially dysfunctional together instead of individually. H&C needs to develop other relationships with new people.

Yes! You can order a conversion kit that allows you to hook a large tank up to a sodastream canister. I bought one from ebay. The downside is that the valve on the sodastream canister is only one way (people call it “booby-trapped”), so you can’t fill most stock canisters without modification. You can get a

eBay isn’t great because of the shipping costs. I may be able to get a decent deal second-hand, though. The frustrating thing is that incremental weight increases require a whole new purchase, and I’m not impressed with the adjustable kettle bells I’ve seen.

Good tips; I just wish kettlebells were more affordable for the home user.

Did I forget to mention that I’m in my *late* thirties? Sigh.

Yeah, so thanks for showing me that I’ve never experienced chemistry.

1858 for the article. Whitman was long dead by 1958.

I was hoping for a reputable recommendation, since it doesn’t appear to be sold by any of the big online vitamin/supplement stores I know of.

Is there a place to legally buy Adrafinil without a prescription?

The answer is that whether you pay your landlord is not the bank’s problem. The fact that the landlord decided you were an acceptable risk doesn't mean the bank must as well. People can and do fail to pay rent, and then landlords have to threaten, cajole, or go to court to collect those funds and/or evict. If the bank

The problem is that the statistic doesn’t say what you say it does. It isn’t controlled for title, experience, etc (i.e., it says nothing about people who have the “same job”). It is only a comparison of median earnings.

People do when they want to lock in a rate, especially in markets where properties are rapidly appreciating. I just had one of my tenants sign a slightly over two year lease. I’m happy because I don’t want to have to find someone else for the house, she’s happy because her rent won’t go up and she doesn’t have to

Sometimes no. In your example, building houses for free may be preventing an already depressed economy from growing new businesses. Imagine if some rich kid came to your community and just started doing your job for free, and was praised for it. If there's a skill shortage in the area, an obvious solution presents