
No, absolutely women should date who they're attracted to.

I didn't say it was fact. My following sentence says "that assumed portion;" perhaps I should have written "The assumption that this portion even exists may be based on..."

Isn't the grass always greener on the other side? I think a lot of women would be very disheartened if they had the kinds of experiences men do on dating sites. That isn't to minimize what women have to deal with - after all, silence is better than overt aggression. Men don't envy the overall quantity, and I think

Yes. This is something that all men do, all of the time. I make sure to have an orgasm every hour, on the hour, just to make sure I keep up my quota.

If you are going to use a word contrary to all accepted usages then you should define the word for your reader. Unless, of course, you are trying to write an esoteric philosophical text.

My guess is that the correct word should be "corroborated."

Pic changed and comments about it deleted.

It depends on how disciplined you are. I did that; as I made more money, I just put the entirety of the raise into my 401(k) equivalent, until I was contributing the max allowed by law.

I have the RK-9100, which has blue LED backlighting for the keys. The backlighting isn't so much functional as aesthetic. I bought the blue switches for typing, and I absolutely love the keyboard. It is a joy to use. It was also cheaper than comparable keyboards from DAS etc, and felt much more sturdy than the

You can buy a good set of olympic plates, a bar, and a power rack all for under $1000 used on Craigslist. The only question is whether you have the room to set it up.

Crossfit. I have never been as focused on a workout as when I'm doing a grueling WOD surrounded by others who are similarly pushing themselves. It also helps that you aren't doing the same thing every time you work out, so you actually have to think a bit about what you're going to do next, come up with a strategy to

I'd really like to know their current ages and see the math for how they're going to be millionaires in the time frame he implies. If they are really banking the wife's salary - which is a significant increase in income, they could easily save $600K in 20 years at 0% interest. But since there's no math, it's hard to

Actually, I should clarify. In Italian, the terms caffè and espresso are often used to denote a genus-species relationship, just as in English. Asking "vuoi prendere un caffè?" is equivalent to saying "would you like to get coffee?" in English. The particular beverage you end up ordering might be an espresso, a latte,

My typo and unwillingness to insert an accent notwithstanding, caffè is not 'espresso for Italians.' Espresso is espresso for Italians. Caffè is coffee. Strong coffee. Any Italian I spoke to about the subject was very clear on those points.

One option is a handpresso, which is a portable espresso maker in which you manually crank up the pressure. The other option is a mypressi twist, which uses replaceable canisters. Moka pots are NOT espresso, and neither is an Aeropress.

Moka pots produce cafe, NOT espresso.

Shower heads contain bacteria that is harmless on your skin, but could get easier access to your less resilient gums when flossing or brushing in the show. According to Dr. Oz, for instance, "Brushing your teeth actually exposes you to 100x more bacteria from the shower head, as opposed to brushing your teeth over the

When I went on a tour of University of Maryland College Park, more than one tour guide made sure to point out that pedestrians always have right of way and can cross at any time. They advised that you were only a "real" UMCP student once you started crossing the street without looking. Believe me, that's exactly what

My parents used to take me yard-saling every Saturday, weather permitting. While I hated having to have everything second-hand, I had to learn about saving money and bargaining for what I wanted. I also had to learn to make purchasing decisions in the face of uncertainty: do I really want to spend my money on this, or

I can't speak to your state benefits, but federal employees get 20 days of vacation (after three years of service) plus 10 federal holidays per year.