
My go to curse is: May every step you take feel like you’re walking on Legos.

How do people like this look at themselves and think “Yes, I am a good person who does good things and makes good decisions.” Like, I cannot fathom how anyone with even the most tenuous grasp on reality or the tiniest shred of human decency can possibly conclude that assaulting innocent people for no reason isn’t a


Chips & dip equals potato chips with French onion dip for me & bacon horseradish for the husband. You want chips & salsa, you freaking ask for chips and salsa. You can get specific and ask for tortilla chips.

I’m in the midwest, to me “chips and dip” has always meant potato chips and a sour cream based dip, like sour cream and onion.

Anything you dip a chip into that’s not salsa or guac. Probably not queso, either, but that’s iffy. I would NEVER refer to salsa as dip.

i pretty much assumed (tortilla) chips and salsa but come on, it’s “chips and salsa”.

x-wings can’t melt steel beams

Oh dear lord that was too close to the mark for me I just wanted to reach through the screen and punch that little twat making the comments (the kid).

I’m just gonna leave this here.

Sheesh, men get hysterical so easily.

Do you mean to say, you didn’t want to babysit his two adorable moppets and maybe suggest going to his house to clean it for him, add a woman's touch and cook him a nice home cooked dinner before letting him jackhammer you for two minutes? What the fuck is wrong with you? Joan, you will never get a man. I'll bet

Yeah, yeah, we all know that the Constitution says you are free to practice whatever religion you want. What Christians love to leave out is the other side of the coin: No religion is a valid religion. There are Christians who believe that gay marriage is wrong. That’s fine, nobody’s forcing them to get gay married.

You’re wrong. We do know how this shakes out legally, since Kim Davis was thrown in jail for refusing to do her job! She continues to refuse to do her job. She should be thrown back in jail, or quit. It’s not more complicated than that. I might not agree with Kim Davis’s beliefs, but she’s allowed to have them. That

No, you silly kid.

Listen, I’m a physician, not a Christian, I take care of people (prisoners, criminals, racists, homophobes) all the time whose actions I find reprehensible. Sometimes they are actuvely abusing me while I’m trying to help them. But I took an oath, I don’t get to choose, based on my religion, ethics, bigotry or anything

It’s just a piece of paper, of no importance whatsoever, but she still can’t give them to people without an uproar. Sure.

Even then I have doubts.

Michelin Star dining 101: Chef’s tasting menus are for hipsters, you know what you want and how you want it better than some tattooed culinary school hero.