
If that were true, and women started shooting men for saying disgusting things to them or groping them in bars, I am pretty sure the anthem would be “Holy shit, it was just a comment!!!!!”

Confused, depressed woman in cell, after attempting “suicide by cop”:

Too bad there was no one there with a gun to end this tomfoolery with a certain death. No, today freedom lost because nobody was put down, dead in the ground for merely disrupting a mall.

Heck, he might even provide some blatantly false infographic to “prove” it.

I demand that future president Trump consider a database to track all white people. As his colleague Mike Huckabee would say, if you have a five pound bag of peanuts and you know at least a couple of them are poison, you aren’t going to feed them to your kids.

Hes already come out for assault and battery. I don't know why "with a deadly weapon" would make him change his mind.

I feel like at this point in his hate- & ignorance-filled campaign, he won’t even bother tacking on the “maybe.”

“Well maybe they were asking for it.”

When are white people going to address their culture of violence?

Sounds like Commie talk to me


Two dicks butting heads

Exactly! He’s no Magic Johnson.

Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be near Charlie Sheen either, but it has everything to do with him being a misogynistic asshole and nothing to do with him having HIV.

Two dicks can dislike each other.... trying to think of some sort of inappropriate sexual joke or reference to throw in here to illustrate the point but I can’t...

It’s really saying something if Bieber thinks you’re a douche.

So. I would like to say. I have seen only a couple of Pew’s videos. I do not like his style and thus, I do not watch him. But I have say. You are causing a Jelly shortage in your country with that kind of comment. 6 out of 7 families will now have to have only peanut butter sandwiches and will have to go with out

I bet the people at Kotaku shrugged really hard at this comment

This is Jezebel, but thanks for dropping by!