
except paying customers got to play the game for 3 years before free users.
and paid users still get special treatment in comparisson. and dont be stupid and buy games at launch....rookie mistake.

I grew up around/am related to people like her. Despite her purported love for Jesus and his love, she’s probably mean as a snake and sanctimonious and judgmental as hell, her refusal to give marriage licenses aside.

Is that her attorney next to her? His tie is stupid.

I have no doubt she feels she’s forgiven. And if she divorces yet again, she’ll be forgiven yet again.

Christianity is apparently like Choose Your Own Adventure. She can pick out the stuff she likes (hating gays, long denim skirts) and ignore the stuff she doesn’t (divorce is bad).

I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.

Stopped reading after your first sentence. The title and write up in no way give the impression that she was annoyed about making money. Lots of big brained paragraphs trying to make an argument over something that isn’t there.

I am not sure you read the same article I read. I feel like a lot of people give Patricia a hard time for no reason. This was legitimately interesting to me. It brings up a lot of ethical aspects of auto copy write enforcement. Say this was a level that Patricia had made and posted onto youtube. Should Playboy be able

How lazy do you have to be to upload automatic levels on youtube for monetization? At least play some damn levels and earn what little money it brings it ffs.

I dont know if that is true, since she edited together the clips and in essence was reviewing the levels herself for everyone else through other peoples gameplay videos, much like other people have the “best of gameplay videos” and “Major fail” videos where they compile other peoples videos of themselves failing at

You handled this comment SO FREAKING WELL. When I read the article, I went “Alright, now to see how quickly the “Lazy YouTubers are exploiting video games anyway OMG GET A JOB!” comments would come. (To be fair, Jason, you were very calm about it.) You handled it very even-handedly and explained it very well!

Let’s Play, Boys

They certainly should now!!

Today I learnt that Playboy has a gaming channel and that the twitter dude has a Dark Souls quote. *Followed*

But do they have the guts to call them Let’s Playboys?

I guess that there are some people that like some sex with their viddya game. If there is a hole in the market you can always bet a there will be a coporation to ram in thier product to fill it.

Well, let’s be honest. If you’re looking for boobies on the internet, you’re probably not thinking about Playboy. This is, sadly, probably going to be a bigger traffic driver for them.

He’s only reading it for the articles!

My take-away from this is that I love that we live in a world where Playboy uploads Let’s Plays of Nintendo games.

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