
By your logic if a Muslim is working at the DMV as a supervisor; he has a right to refuse women licenses and that belief must be honored and accommodated because it’s the “least restrictive means”.

I totally would; I have a taste for bad men. I would fuck him with his new hairdo; i would fuck him with a whiteboy fro and rat tail; I would have a threesome with him and Shia Labeouf. here I’ve said it I have a problem, is this where he support group meet.

I’ve honestly come to the conclusion that the only way to win this fight is by saying; “Abortion cures liberalism.” “Pro-life breeds liberals” “Takers do not breed makers; support abortion”

It’s about ethics in youtube video monetization.

Because she’s an elected official.

Gawker, I hate you for making me do this; but in Snookie’s defense, she’s never held herself as a shining example of moral righteousness that all should aspire to and that shoul decide the the rights and privledges of other, including how they choose to live their lives.

The question on everyone’s mind; “Can I masturbate to Rob Stark simulating sex?”

Becuase Marvel Fanboys would rebel; Disney has enough trouble with the current Star Wars Fanboy rebellion over the destruction of the EU.

Hows this for a compromise all individual law enforcment officers must have professional liability insurance; no insurance no badge. When a bad cop screws up his insurance costs go up, he screws up too much he loses his insurance; either way either he can’t afford to be a cop anymore or he loses his job due to lack of

Because it’s dramatic and looks good.

You make me proud.

Why does anyone need to call the cops for anything; that’s what the second amendment is for.

Kim Howe was no Angel.

The “Victim” was no angel; I’m not saying she deserved to die but have you seen here facbook?

Bunnies aren’t just cute like everybody supposes; they got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses; and what’s with all the carrots, why do they need such good eyesight for anyways. Bunnies, bunnies, it must be bunnies. Or maybe midgets?

This entire conversation serves as proof; obviously you can read; it’s not my job to educate you it’s your job to educate yourself; I’m just calling you out on your bullshit, and I don’t have to concern myself with your feelings on being called out for your bullshit. What you have desperately attempted to do is change

Once again your continued deflections do not change your transphobis attitude which is obvious.

Delfections do not change the transphobia you have displayed.