Personal attacks do not tchange the fact that through out this entire conversation you have done nothing but be transphobic.
Personal attacks do not tchange the fact that through out this entire conversation you have done nothing but be transphobic.
Personal attacks do not change that your prejudice and transphobia are facts.
Liberals need to stop taking the high road and start getting dirty if they want to stay relevant. Stop trying to be the reasonable ones and start actually fighting back. The problem with liberals is that they lose. The problem with liberals is that they just roll over.
It’s obvious over the entirety of this coversation.
Personal attacks and attempts at misdirection do not change your transphobic rhetoric and opinions.
Thank you for that deflection and for once again not calling her Caitlyn.
Irrelevant; you have an inability to call Caitlyn “she,” you are completely incapable of showing her some common decency and referring to her by her current gender and identity.
The evidence presented painted a clear picture; once again you are deflecting away from the original conversation.
Funny how you were incapable of responding to the statements made and had to resort to deflections.
I see you’re desperately tying to avoid conversations on your religious beliefs because you’re a christian hypocrite.
IF psychology isn’t science then there is no mental illness and therefore there is nothing wrong with Cait Jenner by your standards; thank you for playing.
If psychology is not science then there are no mental disorders therefore Cait Jenner doesn’t suffer from anything and there’s nothing wrong with her. Congratulations on defeating your own argument.
Thank you for that depserate deflection funny how you and your ilk can’t stay on topic.
And you avoid the conversation and try to deflect from actually adressing the issues.
The science has spoken and being trandsgenedered in not a mental disorder; it is a genderdisorder there is a diference; and respecting what people wish to be called is respecting the autonomy of the individual. You and your ilk need to stop trying to push your beliefs on others.
Thank you for your desperate defelction and for once again avoiding the point.
Once again you’re trying to deflect rather than addressing what has been said.
Are other people’s genitals really important to you; do you generally make inqueries as to the state of stranger’s genitals?
We do the same for retired military everyday so why not?
Says the person desperately trying to tear down Caitlyn Jenner, and deseprately trying to silence her. Funny how you’re silent and are saying nothing to Red Guard because the truth is you support what he says.