Thank you for your continued honesty, your ignorance proves the point I was making.
Thank you for your continued honesty, your ignorance proves the point I was making.
Says the guy who knows nothing of Psychology or Gender scienmce and makes claims to fact? But please keep being the bigot you are, you are making my point for me as to how you and your ilk really think.
You know nothing of Psychology or Gender science. It’s not my job to inform you or teach you anymore than it’s my responsibility to inform or teach the WBC; you’re a bigot and should be treated as such.
Christians are mentally ill. These people are mentally ill, and need to be treated as such, not called “hero” or glorified.
The reaason you poinmted it out is because you are trying to say “Caitlyn Jenney isn’t real it’s just Bruce Jenner in a dress” can please stop trying to deflect from your obvious prejudice and just be honest.
At least you’re honest with your hate and prejudice. I admire that; you like the Westboro Baptist Church, if only everyone like you was as honest as you.
God is a delusion, “life begins at conception” is a delusion, Transgenderism is a provable scientific fact; not that you and your ilk care for science.
Funny how the next Cailyn Jenner story you’ll be doing the exact ssame thing and I’ll be telling you the exact same thing; because god forbid Caitlyn Jenner be allowed to help push the conversation on trans issues forward.
The fact that you can’t just refer to her as just Caitlyn proves the point.
Nice attempt to deflect, what did you really mean by your comment? Please; why don’t you just take a moment of honesty and say what you really mean which is; “That filthy whore needs to go back in the closet and be out of sight and out of mind.”
What specifically makes her so terrible that she needs to be put in the closet so she’s out of sight and out of mind?
I recommend the rest of us crabs drag her down; we can’t let anyone escape.
Should we drag Caitlyn from her home, strip her of her clothes, flog her until she bleeds, while the mob around her chants “Shame, shame, shame.” What will it take for her sins to be washed away. Crtics like you act like it was some vast conspiracy; the she calculated every move like a super villain just to cash in…
Obviously this means that Caitlyn should be stripped of all of her belongings that she had as Bruce and be thrown out into the street and work her way up until she is worthy of your good graces.
Stop trying to deflect and be honest. You suffer from tall poppy syndrome and are just lashing out because some one has succeeded and now you’re having a tantrum because of it. It’s crab mentality through and through. Just be honest, stop trying to sugar coat what you mean and just say it; “That filthy whore needs to…
No what makes you a terrible and shitty person is trying to change the conversation about Trans issues; and attemting to silence the subject at hand by screaming “She’s a murderess.” can you just be honest and say, ‘The filthy whore should be in a closet somewhere out of sight and out of mind.”
Pleease tell me what you and yo’re ilk really want; also don’t give me platitudes about her being rich, she’s not the best example, she’s a cold blooded murderess, etc. You and your ilk act like this is some broad conspiracy in which Caitlyn has carefully calculated every more since winning the gold in the Olympics. I…
“I see, his & her names”
We’re so sorry; when would you like us to assemble a mob to have Caitlyn draaged from her house, stripped naked, and flogged until the flesh stips from the bone, while the mob chants “Shame, shame, shame.”
Please give s a list of who, when, and where we can talk about trans issues and use as a role model. Please give us a list of what qualifications you need so we can run people by you before we talk about trans issues. Fuck you, dick.