
Thank you. I would not have known this if you had not posted it on Deadspin.

Then he must not understand what "gag" means. It doesn't mean "getting knocked out of the playoffs."

There was a liquor store near my college that overestimated the demand for Old Fez to the tune of some steep discounts (like $6 cases) after the holidays. If you've ever wondered what multiple guys in a fraternity turning down beer looks like, give anyone unfettered access to THAT SWILL for a couple of weeks...

Is this shit-talking or is this a good strategy to make them re-think their obvious play call at the last minute?

Probably not.

Clippers fans are adorable. They're like the first verse of "Born in the USA" and they know it, but they don't make too big of a deal out of it. I'm glad they got rid of their racist, slumlord owner. I'm glad they've finally got a good coach and a good team. I'm glad Blake Griffin is actually


I don't have a lottery pick. But keep playing.

Is Dwight learning anything from that YT video with The Dream?

And if that keeps Rockets fans warm at night, so much the better. I still remember Olajuwon. Hell, I still remember Olajuwon trying to teach Dwight Howard post moves.

I have no further questions for this witness, your honor.

Yeah. Iverson wasn't actually that good and the people who liked to see watch him play basketball were being irrational. Totally.

The Detroit Pistons won a couple of titles playing a significant amount of what one might call the "bad" variety. The New York Knicks had a fair amount of success with it as well.

Small sample size, Rocketfan. Y'all will find a way to gag it up in the playoffs. And I strongly suspect the way you'll find is Fight Coward.

Yes, but who do you actually like?

Reserve judgment until you hear what he has to say about the coloreds... Their muscles, glistening in the sun...
-Donald Sterling

I'm confused by this line of thinking. You're suggesting that Bill Cosby is getting some level of preferential treatment that Bob Hope wouldn't have received? Is that right? And if so, on what are you basing that?

I'm not sure who could do it then. Their owner sucks. Bruce Allen would be a great Homecoming Committee Chair... Oh, wait. They have a homecoming game! The play calling has been... suspect. If only he who is without suckitude can point out that Washington FC sucks, they're gonna need somebody from another team

He called out everyone on the team including himself. The team is 3-7 and, with the possible exception of Dallas, hasn't beat a single team capable of getting out of its own way. Again I ask: Have you watched any of their games this year?

When was the point where three became a magic number?

Unprompted?!?! Have you watched any of their games this year?

The key might be to "briar patch" Deadspin. There will be another article tomorrow, surely. Maybe everyone should mention how awesome and funny it is and see if that works.