
"I don't know you and I have no investment in your opinions about music."

This entire discussion is because you state your stupid opinions as though they're fact. Then you revise your opinions and blame the original stupidity on the person who responded to it. But you're right, I'm beyond dense and it's a shame that

Solid points, but that's not "race." The first part of your second sentence perfectly encapsulates what you were responding to and outweighs the rest of your point. There are genetic differences between individuals. There are genetic differences between population groups. None of that justifies assigning broad

There are more problems with your assertion that people "choose to identify as a gender other than that... blah blah blah" than there are with this article.

Knowing anything about hair is how it's easy to be sure he chemically straightened his hair. There are plenty of pictures and videos of Neymar from when he was a young player. His natural hair texture does just magically become long, straight, and blondish any more than someone with naturally straight hair would

The Internet should be taken from you, by force if necessary. If you live in a country that has any level of poverty whatsoever, you're living in a country that represents a failure by believers of some religion that supposedly values care for the most vulnerable. But where in all your theological studies did you

"...second-coming of Christ..."

"...trying to lead [...] you to enlightenment..."

At first I thought this was all you thinking you're a special snowflake. Obviously I've underestimated your self-righteousness.

That's true, but you're focusing on enforcement. My point is that diving is diving. Whether you're landing on ice or grass, if you decide to embellish, you decided to embellish. I can't think of a single instance where I saw someone online suggest that embellishment is the reason why hockey isn't as popular as

Your point doesn't become more intelligent or less an opinion stated as fact when you spell it out and add insults. It isn't strengthened when you contrast it with assertions I haven't made, assign opinions to me that I haven't expressed, or surround it with straw-man arguments. And yes, I focused on the opinion you

What does "hipster" mean to you? I'm trying to figure out how Grimes and Lorde are hipster songstresses...

I really hope this is the stupidest thing you type on the Internet today. I'm pretty sure it's the stupidest thing I'll read on the Internet today.

Having better overall players (and more of them) competing at a higher level won't improve the senior men's national team? We'll have to agree to disagree on that. Having the coach of the USMNT pointing out that our domestic league needs to be strengthened in order to improve the overall quality of domestic soccer

What gives you the impression that he's bragging about it? And if he is, wouldn't he legitimately have five more minutes of CL action than all but one of his teammates to brag about?

People bitching about diving as a reason to not like soccer are just using that as a justification for not liking something they don't want to like. Embellishment is part of basketball and hockey and that doesn't stop some of these same folks from appreciating those sports. And there's a fair amount of accentuating

I just wish it was something that wasn't getting so much pushback. It should be one of those truths held as self-evident. You perform better by playing against better competition on a regular basis. Anybody who cares about the future of the USMNT should be embracing that.

The question was "how often" does it happen.

Clever snark, but the question was "how often" and you didn't answer that...

And none of those half-dozen leagues are our domestic league, exposure to which will have a strong impact to change the dynamics for those who are impressionable enough to try playing soccer in the first place. Time becomes a loop. When you listen to college football and basketball recruits talk about which schools

You apparently haven't spent that time developing a strong sense of what constitutes throwing one's players into the fire. Or working on reading comprehension. Our entire organizational structure needs to be strengthened in order for our overall quality to improve. That's a fact that the coach of the men's national

And for the record, I agree with your overall point.

"Nuance flies over the americans heads once again." "Even the people who have replied to you are wrong."

Generalizations and nuance aren't close cousins. You know that, right?