The worst part about it was him loudly taking that "over my dead body" "you can print this in all caps!" stance. It just served to underscore who much of an obstinate dick he was being.
The worst part about it was him loudly taking that "over my dead body" "you can print this in all caps!" stance. It just served to underscore who much of an obstinate dick he was being.
Can you explain what you mean by "PC?" I don't mean what the letters stand for... I'm asking what you mean when you use them. Genuinely curious.
Your point would be stronger if you had any understanding of anything written in the original post. Granted, you'd have to make a totally different point since nothing you typed has any connection to the reality of this ruling. But eliminating bullshit and sticking to facts usually makes points stronger, so...
Larry Mellette is a victim of something. TBI or possibly CTE would be my first guess.
I typed something that made you think I was trying to be a tough guy? Wow, your reading comprehension is as terrible as your sense of humor! I've got laundry to do that's more interesting than you, so I really hope you came already... If not... Keep trying with someone else, I guess?!?!
Yeah, bruh... All those characters I typed! I totally care! Did you come yet because I'd like to go home, but since I suggested you should go fuck yourself, I'm happy to keep doing my part. I know this is how you trolls get off.
I have to care what you think to be mad about what you think. (The suggestion that you would benefit from an orgasm or two doesn't mean I care what you think.)
Go... fuck yourself? Did I do that right?!?!
That's a collection of hot takes you got there, but adult kickball leagues are older than 5 years in most cities and the U.S. hosted the World Cup in 1994. To the extent that soccer has "failed to catch on," that's only because there are a fair number of folks in this country who are indifferent to all sports and a…
This set of answers was really good:…
You know what's egotistical? Asking a question out of genuine ignorance that is based on an assumption that the other people are doing something differently than you would do it because of some character flaw.
Salty is the perfect word for how he looks. And I gotta be honest, I'm a Jordan guy, so I don't mind if he's salty. Hell, I want him to be salty. I hope LeBron is sitting in a dark room right now, throwing a racquetball of a wall to himself and catching it on the bounce. I hope KD put on his backpack after he left…
The 'No' is absolutely critical to the whole conversation. But it's exactly why getting into a back-and-forth on Twitter is so stupid. There's no room for nuance in 140 characters. Whether or not KD thinks Kawhi Leonard has game and what, specifically he meant is immaterial because what he said in response to what…
Turning at a slight angle is slimming, especially when they cross one leg in front of the other. A good photographer/PR person would advise this technique.
Speaking of which, do you know how she lost her arms? Would you like to?
Swish! High fives all around! I can't believe I get free Gatorade for this!
Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. Maybe I did and maybe I didn't. But you seem like a bit of an asshole.
Loose Cannon may be gone but I'm subbing in to say that I also think you seem like a bit of an asshole... I think Coach just wanted me in to have an extra shooter on the floor, but whatever.
Your views on this keep shifting (specifically on what about a group of business partners deciding that they want to take steps to ensure that their business remains solvent represents unfairness), so I'm going to allow you to wrestle with this on your own...
I get what you're saying. But you're treating this as though he's a mentally incompetent person who just started being racist because he's out of it... And if you only know the most recent part of the story, Shelley Sterling seems like she's just an innocent victim who happens to be married to someone who lost a few…