
Yeah, definitely a personal preference thing and I think one’s gaming background has something to do with it for sure.

Look, I get it- different strokes for different folks- but man do I not get all these people who play the game using that cluttered-as-fuck MMO-looking m&kb UI.

Worth noting that pretty much all of these guys disqualified didn’t actually gen their Pokemon themselves but had them traded to them from someone else who did.

The game that exists solely to squeeze as much money out of the poor addicts still playing it because all the original talent that made it left due to poor working conditions isn’t considered a good game?

Overwatch patch notes be like:

So we’ve now gone from:

I mean, the rumors are plentiful enough and from the right sources that it’s a pretty safe bet we’re gonna get a follow-up EVENTUALLY. They’ll likely announce it next year, probably for Pokemon Day.

Well at least for now I can just focus on Baldur’s Gate and then I’ll get a week to play Wrestlequest before Sea of Stars comes out which I will also have a week to play before Starfield comes out.

Maybe hard until you get a good grasp of how the game works?

Japan is probably more responsible for causing “straight” people to experience same-sex attraction than any other country in the world so it isn’t that surprising it’s largely “straight” and old governing demographic is trying really hard to repress that part of the culture.

DS was Wacky Kojima Shit at it’s absolute finest and I’m always down for some more. I just hope he does something to improve the worst part of the game:

Good. I played D2 enough to be invested in the lore, so I appreciate that I can enjoy playing the conclusion as an actual video game, and not only experience it through youtube videos because I don’t want to do all the tedious, repetitive shit they’d normally make you do to see it occur in-game.

Gamestop’s a shambling rotting corpse and there are still suckers holding out hope that the decomposition process may suddenly decide to work in reverse.

Depends on where your audience is. If there’s a big Baldur’s Gate audience on Xbox, they’re gonna buy it regardless of when it comes out.

I feel bad for the Volcano High devs. I legitimately had to do a google search to confirm that it was, in fact, NOT that horribly offensive furry game I have (unfortunately) seen clips/screens of everywhere despite using all the same character designs.

Sir you’re reading a video game clickbait site where half the articles are ads. I don’t think grammatical structure is a big priority here, pal.

It’s for Sony.

“it’s running on an Android-based operating system”

Can we come up with a seperate term to refer to the guys who make Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 when we talk about them?

I ask this as a very serious question, from the perspective of a former Overwatch enjoyer- is anyone actually... having fun?