
No, that is not even remotely close to what I am saying. You couldn’t possibly be misinterpreting it more.

They are, but not as much.

Never said it shouldn’t be brought up. Just that there are probably plenty of better ways to bring people’s attentions to something shitty a rich asshole is doing and the people it’s hurting than aggressively shaming and lashing out at them. Maybe people are just shitty but I believe most people will take that kind of

The cause is just but the method is flawed.

Yes, correct. If some dickbag bigot is trying to perpetuate the idea that a group of people are “the bad guys” those very people lashing out and attacking people are probably not going to do much to convince people that they are wrong.

I was already gonna go see it. Now I might see it twice.

Yeah, that’ll show that one bigoted billionaire by keeping the money out of her pocket.

Yeah, I don’t think attacking people over the matter is really making as much progress as some people seem to think it will. Quite the opposite, really.

“Stop enjoying that thing! It’s putting money into the pockets of a bigot!”

Well it turns out that Pokemon, a multiplayer Nintendo game directed at children, is a pretty good avenue for creepy dudes to get in close with minors.

Worth noting that not everyone sees things through an American lens. Yes, it makes sense to here given the context of the story at hand, but the internet is a global thing so people simply seeing tweets / an article act like 40" is anywhere near an average waist size are going to find it crazy if they exist in any

Yeah you could say this Roiland business has left me a little sour on the character

Let’s get real for a moment-

Welp its been a fine decade or so but I suppose I should find myself a new display picture on here. Any requests?

You do realize that the platform is completely irrelevent and as long as people keep saying and doing stupid shit (which is until we go extinct btw) there will be someone reporting on whatever stupid shit was done/said, right?

Not even chasing the right trends either, that’s the worst part.

I really appreciate that they tried to maintain the general quality of a PS1-era voice acting.

I have only regularly followed/really gotten into two Cartoon Network shows in the last 5/6 years and the disparity in personal qualities between the people who created them is really something.

Okay but you’re just cherry-picking a few examples out of one game. The game that ends with the villain being a corrupt authority figure, btw. In fact, there’s a pretty strong reoccurring plot theme that revolves around authority figures being shitty and screwing things up for everyone.

EvErYoNe’S tHe KiLlEr aNd i’M a SoOoOoOpEr MaRiO