
Doesn’t foreman Spike have some dubious connection to Waluigi?

For whatever it’s worth, Warioware Gold had Martinet doing full dialog as Wario and it was silly but definitely really fun. I wouldn’t be opposed to having him voice actual lines as Mario.

Look, I think rolling back accessibility features is as dumb as the next guy but I think you’re expecting too way too much from the developer of a free-to-play phone game.

Ah yes. The Pokemon fan boycott. A perrenial staple of the internet wherein a change is made to a Pokemon game and the ravenous fanbase is sent into a fervor, filling pages of digital space with their disappointment over the change being made and organizing a refusal to engage with the product that no longer resembles

it’s such an obscure, janky little game filled with so many good ideas. I’ve always had this idea in the back of my head that if I ever found myself with an entire team to help me, I’d love to prototype some kind of spiritual successor.

Rockstar. You’re so busy with GTA. So very, very busy. It’s a lot of work. You have your hands full.

Who said anything about sitting in one spot?

Correction: He starts the game playing Final Fantasy Go and I am very upset that it is not a real thing.

“Well boys, it looks like we cant sweep it under the rug this time, so you know the drill- every man for himself, try and play whatever angle you’ve got and salvage what you can of your career.”

The entire “AAA game” world needs to hurry up and self-destruct faster. I’m sick of seeing genuine talent wasted and paid next to nothing by a bunch of millionaire assholes looking to make bank off some soulless paint-by-numbers yearly release.

It’s not a perfect resemblance, but between the name and general vibe of the design it’s enough that anyone who is a fan of Hypnospace Outlaw is going to immediately make the connection and be interested.

“Just say sorry and claim it’s part of your religion and they can’t touch you. Every other asshole in our shitty little club will jump to your defense the second someone questions the integrity of anything you claim to have learned from our special book.”

Wow. You really woke up and decided that defending the integrity of a developer very well-known for exploitative design from a region very well-known for rampant copyright infringement was the hill you wanted to die on.

There is the retro gaming angle to consider.

Time really does move in cycles doesn’t it?

Gameplay-wise, they’re pretty different. X-Zone had a big action component, this is strictly a turn-based strategy affair.

Oh I definitely believe you and I’ll have to check that out.

For the curious- this series is basically the Japanese equivalent of all those Nicktoons games.

This lady gets it. This collection is not only impressive, it has CLASS.

Fighting game players will really latch onto anything that helps them avoid coming to terms with their own lack of ability, huh?