
Do we have any standards these days regarding what even constitutes esports? I mean, I was under the impression it was a term used for multiplayer games with healthy, established competitive scenes.

Well, if there’s one thing years of internet has taught me it’s that when bloggers say something is “problematic” that usually translates to “This does not cater to my own, personal agenda”.

Link is literally a voiceless avatar. Commander Shepherd of Mass Effect was much more of a pre-existing character- hundreds of lines of dialog, an actual personality- the whole deal.

I know Nintendo is a business and needs to cater to the demands of the customer, but sometimes I really feel bad for the creative talent involved in situations like this involving popular works.

I’d be inclined to agree with you but I never felt that issue with Ni No Kuni. Maybe it was the added element of being able to actually move your character around or maybe the monster-swapping mechanic, but I found battles to be pretty stimulating- something I had to actually think about and be involved in- so the

Better than Ni No Kuni you say? You’re not the type of man to make a statement like that without some substance backing it up.

I refuse to believe the Gaster stuff was in any way unintentional. Radiation has spoken in the past about his distaste for datamining and how it has more or less made it impossible for games to have truly exciting secrets and mysterious elements.

On another note, anyone ever feel confused as to why these award shows always have such a hard-on for ambient, cinematic soundtracks and traditional video game soundtracks always get snubbed entirely?

Yeah, I know. I’m just kind of hoping it gets the honor of being considered “Best Game of the Year” at a few shows. Even if it doesn’t win. It just feels like the GOTY category is reserved only for big-budget games.

My GOTY is definitely Undertale, so I’ve been hoping most of the year-end award shows at least honor it with a nomination. It may not be a AAA title or the product of a major well-known studio, but gosh darn it, I haven’t had a game make me smile that much in at least a decade.

Isn’t one dead Sega mascot enough?

Final Fantasy as a series wouldn’t even exist without Nintendo, so the series has a long history with Nintendo. Who cares if Cloud isn’t from one of the NIntendo games, he’s by far the most iconic character in the series- to represent it with anyone else would just be silly.

~$20 for a SNES?

Halo: Rated M, is played mostly by young kids, has mandatory voice chat.

Let’s just be thankful they didn’t find the Undyne/Alphys pics.

I love the idea and I love rotoscoping, so I’m kind of hoping this shapes up to be a decent little series.

What was last weekend’s mutated cat creature? Better yet, how do we up the ante for next week’s? Someone get science on the phone, stat.

As a lot of people have already mentioned, Sonic Colors was probably better. It was more consistent anyway.

Do you... Actually know anything about this game or did you just stop reading at the word “Indie” and assume it was some hipster thing?

Well this IS the age of the internet and social sharing and its a fun, quirky, lovable game.