
Every day that someone other than me brings up Dynamite Headdy is a good day.

Worth noting that Creatures Inc also makes Pokemon games from time to time too.

Hope nobody steals that cake!

If they really had to use a pay-to-play system, it would have been nice if they used your Pokemon.com account to unify your Gems with Pokemon Trading Card Game Online (which also uses purchasable "Gems" to obtain in-game content).

Awesome list. Glad to see ZombiU get a mention. That game is seriously underrated.

Yeah, Chrome is pretty bloaty. I do, however, enjoy the convenience of how well it syncs everything up between my PC, Chromebook and phone so I probably won't make the switch unless I really have to (ie Chrome continues getting steadily worse)

Is Super Mario Land a country in Super Mario World?

Great article! Too bad it feels like yet another chapter in "Competitive Gaming Will Never Achieve Any Sort of Mainstream Success Because It's Players are Predominantly Immature, Socially Awkward White and/or Asian Teenagers"

tl;dr- "Please don't tell your child to stop playing our game just because you think it's time for them to stop playing the game. You simply must consider your actions might be costing some strangers a lot of imaginary video game points!"

(Note: Spin-off titles, cross-overs, and remakes are not included.)

Yeah, stuff like dancing and excercise games where you make big, noticeable movements work best. I can't say I've tried too many other genres of games on Kinect because history has proven that they simply don't work. Anything that requires smaller, rapid-fire inputs, will not work on the Kinect. That's why you're not

Yeah, if you set it up right, it works pretty okay. The problem is that even when it's actually doing what it's supposed to do in the optimal setting, it still isn't really capable of doing much. The facial and voice recognition and other such features are great, but as a motion controller it's pretty weak.

It's a neat piece of tech and a cool idea I hope someone pursues again in the future, it's just that it's not NEARLY responsive or accurate enough for any practical use whatsoever, nevermind something that requires precision input like a video game.

I hope we start seeing challenge runs of games being played with Kinects soon. It's like the old "Beat [x] Game on a DDR Pad" challenge but somehow the controller is even less practical.

Love me some RPGs and Type-0 looks pretty cool, although now I don't have high hopes for it's plot considering 90% of that trailer was teenagers brooding over top of Japanese Evanescence.

I can BEAR-LY wait!

Leffen vs Mango was one hell of a story, yes.

To be fair, I haven't read into it much as what I've seen pretty much screams "generic MMORPG we've seen 6 billion of in the last 10 years"

Might have been a huge deal if SOE was relevant anymore. Last I checked though, Everquest Next was nothing special and H1Z1 was a pay-to-win clone of a game that was already quite popular.

Woops, did I mess up? I'm no good at putting names to faces.