
“It’s like A Tribe Called Quest, you say the whole thing!”

Good piece. Much of what you wrote applies to my relationship with my father. Mine was a wanderer and womanizer so much of my interactions with him, when he showed up to get me was either hanging with him and his girlfriend/new baby mama or he would take me to an aunts house where I would spend most of my time hanging

He probably had to spit out the blood that had pooled in his mouth after Officer Roid Rage piston punched his face like seven fucking times.

The problem Trump has with the suit is the allegations all happened. Sure, the Foundation had some flimsy excuses for some items, and Trump repaid some other expenditures, but they all happened and taken in whole these misappropriations of funds demonstrates a pattern of disregard for the fiduciary responsibility the

Its true, Kevin doesn’t do political comedy, which is fine, that is part of his brand. His stuff is more based around his personal circumstances, kids, family, Uncle Say It With Your Chest, drug addict daddy, cheating on his spouse. I would say mining those topics for laughs and millions of dollars is harder than

Guys, she isn’t racist, her friends are and that’s how they get down when they chill. They talk of hunting down and killing niggers.

I doubt the environment she was raised in was all that stable. She’s actually kind of violent. I question what the kidnapper actually did to this child for 18 years

Hard situation for all involved. The daughter who had her life torn apart and now has to watch the woman she knew as her mother be jailed for 18 years, the biological mother who suffered the loss of her child while still recuperating from giving birth, and yes even the faux mother who by all accounts raised Kamiyah

I get his take, its a principled stance but nonetheless it is fucking weird.

I’d be willing to bet it was more tits and ass that swayed Trump than anything else. Lecherous bastards like him can be influenced 100% of the time if an attractive women is the messenger

The school district wasnt messing around, fired that teacher with the quickness. Good.

The NFL has spent years presenting itself as the 6th branch of the military with its over the top nationalism and pandering to all things Americana. I suppose they would have never guessed that a would be tyrant in Trump would use the league as his personal whipping boy for his dog whistle politics. Trump takes NFL

Towards the end of the below CNN article they mention the remark made about her boss, who at the time supported her throughout the dust up over her comment.

As I understand it she wasn’t fired for the McCain comment. Supposedly Trump told her she wouldn’t be fired for that. What did Sadler in was her comments in a meeting with Trump. Trump asked the room who they thought were leakers and Sadler spoke up and named...get this...her boss who was standing right there. Now she

I wonder if Matthew hit him because he was fucking around on his phone. If so, charges should be brought.

I’d switch out Modelo for Corona, and I 100% agree with your Heineken observation on both parts: more people drink it than admit, and it needs to be iced up real good.

I’m more surprised by the scale of these allegations and that so many of them occurred when the dude was older than 70. I have to imagine if he ever got a bite, it would be a bit like the dog catching the car. Nonetheless, what a creepy fucking dude.

John Bolton should be fired, but Trump wont because it would highlight his incompetence in the breakdown of the summit.

She is the Paris Hilton of political punditry. Knows nothing, does nothing, and is there purely as window dressing for the old white men to gawk at while “watching the news”

Shouldnt someone look into this guys mental health? He seems like a guy who will either fly off the handle and end up shot by the police, or he will maim or kill someone before, you guessed it, being shot and killed by the police.