Throw kale at them.
Throw kale at them.
When a person trades in hate and divisiveness they shouldn’t be surprised when someone comes at them with that same energy. Ann Coulter has been through this same spectacle and I think she had pies (or maybe shaving cream pies) whipped at her. Tammy wants to go on TV and talk shit about folks and then walk around town…
Cancelling Netflix to own the libs.
Damn, did Spike watch Bernie Mac’s “motherfucker” bit right before he gave his comments?
If Kanye’s event was held in Chicago, LA, or NY people would have showed up. Hell, really most any place in the states would have drawn at least some curious would be stargazers hoping to a glimpse of Kanye, because they damn sure wouldnt be there for the fashion.
Black coaches continue to be held to a standard far higher than their white peers.
So mom never saw the mortgage come in with his name on it, or the property tax notice come in with his name on it, and apparently cant distinguish between divorce papers and property documents? Come on now, mom screwed herself out of a sweet deal by being ratchet and is realizing she has been cut off. This entire…
Too many states allow accidental shootings to pass with no penalty for the gun owner. They just call it an accident and move on. Here is the thing, and this is common sense so of course its to wild to ever work...any accidental shootings that are a result of a gun not being properly secured should automatically result…
My dog, Omar
So his strategy is to play to the base, feed them red meat, and turnout the same voters that always vote GOP because they hate abortions and love guns? Groundbreaking stuff.
Adelson looks like he died a few weeks ago and his body was found in swampy marsh. Having to kiss that monsters ass must be humiliating. Especially for a cross fit training, young guy like Paul Ryan.
He is going to be pissed when he gets fired (checks watch) any minute now.
I was a nerdy/awkward/shy preteen. My clothes sucked, my haircuts were by whatever dude that had clippers and wanted 5 bucks, and we were poor as shit. so being popular was not happening, girls werent interested, so I played video games, watched cartoons, and shit like that.
What the shit are they protesting? The woman voluntarily retired. Maybe that was a move to secure benefits, or maybe she realized “I have lost it, I was on a desk humiliating a student”, but whatever the reason she made the choice. What is the protest aim, to force her back, where she might be then be fired? (Its…
I watch way to many of these press briefings, but if there is one thing I can say is there is definitely an antagonism between April and the White House press operation. The Spiceman Sean Spicer got into it with her and Sanders and April have circled each other a couple times as well. And all this in the same week the…
For sure. The airline attendant didnt have to put her on blast. Old girl was standing there like “why you so loud for”
He is going to end up being a construction worker, fire fighter, city worker, something like that. And then he will lose his job lol.
I always figured he was infantile pig man.
I am not saying what happened to her wasn’t racial, it could have been, but I can tell you I am not sitting on a plane next to someone with a rash on their exposed skin. I don’t care if they say they are not contagious, people lie.
2018 would have been the 5th year option on his rookie contract, and after that he has no contract so it is meaningful that he is getting his full salary, especially since it is unlikely he will play again.