
Either you misread or the writer edited her mistake. LOL

Many athletes, especially runners and track will put on 5-15lbs for training to stay healthy and allow themselves to train harder. When competition starts up they drop the weight for quickness and lightness.

I know the show sells itself as some spiritual journey that is 100% altruistic, but I have to give this girl some credit for seeing through the show's bullshit. It was a game show and she won. For $250K, I'd keep dieting too. It paid off for her and now it sounds like she is getting more back to her "normal."

So it sounds like she lost a lot of weight to win a lot of money and now she's healthy and rich. Sorry haterz.

Wow, absolutely love your sarcastic, snarky tone of "But now, she's totally eased up!"

Ehh, I'm not going to speculate about how healthy someone else is, but it's possible that a fair amount of that 20 pounds could have been water weight. I'm a weirdo that watches shows about boxing and UFC fighters, and they have to "cut weight" beofre fights to meet, say, a 135 pound limit, and they will sweat and cut

Athlete does what it takes to win; returns to more normal lifestyle in the offseason.

The father told deputies that Johran dropped his hands as if to grab something, so he opened fire. Johran was shot in the head and died at the scene.

Jesus that is sad. This is tragic.

Right. My mom always told me if I got into the same situation 3 times, it was time to look at myself.

If you've never met a woman with whom you can talk about a variety of interesting, engaging topics, you've either been extremely sheltered or you're not good at conversation.

The only sane choice. What is wrong with you people.

What is this, like a Mormon naughtiness bracket?

I don't what his Q score is but I'm going with Bill Moyers as most likeable. And one of the best.

he totaled his car. FULL STOP. it's a miracle he didn't hit oncoming traffic. he spun out across 2 oncoming lanes. and you're hell-bent on her behavior? are you feeling ok? i don't understand how you're not getting this. she was potentially dangerous if you make enough assumptions. if you reach enough and invent

I thought so too. People are really, really reaching for reasons to be excuse the asshole here, while piling on the woman who was subjected to (and endangered by) his behavior. Can't possibly have anything to do with the fact that she's female and he's male, right? I mean, that would just be crazy talk!

Love. I was once being tailgated really badly—the dude was pushing me to do 80+ on a 55 stretch of road, and it was raining. At that point it was impossible for me to move over. I moved as soon as I could. The guy flipped me off as he passed... ... and was pulled over within 10 seconds of passing me. It was beautiful.

The outrage directed at the driver here is... interesting, and after deleting dozens of comments full of misogynistic slurs replying to my comments on the Gawker version of this article, I can't help but feel the reaction would be sharply different if the genders were reversed. People are really, really pissed that a

Props to TSA for taking her seriously and not being like 'haha lady whatever' (not that we should expect anything less, but….)

"When the plane landed, the minor promptly found a TSA official."