
Caffeine vs Xanax, I just can't. ........ its atrocious. ...

He does know this. He chooses not to go the obvious route because then he wouldn't be exploiting women, and it's the exploitation—not the nudity or whatever specific acts he does or gets them to do—that gets him off.

If he really wants to make sure his models are "aware of the nature of the work," why not sit down with them beforehand and talk about what they will and won't do, as is standard in the American porn industry?

Wait. Are we really at a point when we are criticizing the fashion industry for using models who are "unusually pretty?"

The collection runs sizes 14-24, and these models look like a size 14 to me. I think the clothes are gorgeous and glad that they're being made. Non plus size clothes run 0-12, but would you ever see a size 12 model wearing them? I'm around the cusp, now a 10, but a 12/14 for years, and just glad that there's some

Are you genuinely suggesting that if there's too small a spot on for someone to fit in next to you - which is common, T seats are sized for a smallish man - and they wedge themselves in there in defiance of physics, YOU are obliged to move?

If you can't fit between the left side of the seat and the right side, you're

i don't think you can compare racial slurs to fat shaming. in fact the comparison is a little offensive.

You certainly cared enough to read it and comment. So I say the same to you: people on the internet have opinions every single second of every single day. Thousands of more inane or offensive articles have been written in the time that it took me to write this sentence. Don't pretend that because it involves your

Well, the rebuttal from the original poster (screencapped by someone here in the comments) doesn't deny any part of this "witness" story. Instead, it basically just says "So what if she was acting like a jerk, you still shouldn't fat shame her."

Perhaps this woman was the worst commuter ever, but the immediate response of the man sitting next to her (to shame her for her weight, rather than her behavior) and subsequent blowback speaks to a much larger issue.

Are you serious? You were leggings every time because someone may feel envious?

Umm... it's Planet Fitness. I'm surprised they didn't kick her out for breathing faster than normal. LUNK ALERT.

Am I the only one who couldn't give a fuck what other people are doing when I'm at the gym working out? Do people really give a shit about what someone else has on?

I love not having to pluck/wax anymore. But I have light brows so I definitely fill. I've gone to makeup shops and they always overfill though. I am blonde/fair skinned/green eyes I don't need heavy brown brows, just brows that you can actually see.

Thanks, I'll check that out. I HATE makeup rules. I read something recently on Refinery29 about how people with blue eyes can wear blue eyeshadow, and someone in the comments was PROFOUNDLY offended, insisting that only people with brown eyes can wear blue eye shadow, and people with blue eyes are supposed to wear

This is basically what I wanted to post exactly. I was looking at these pictures, thinking that A. They used the wrong colors (All of them used too light a color), and B. They blended they SO BADLY (SOOOOO BADLY).

Other comments have good example of nice contouring, so I won't bother trying to find any. But the

Look, this is BAD contouring. It's not good. Good contouring is awesome. I don't contour because I haven't the skills.

Now playing

There is a difference between contouring and bad contouring.

I honestly believe that in terms of being an adaptation that is very faithful to the spirit of the original work, but manages to alter things in a way that works for its medium rather than slavishly following the text, they literally could not have done a better job. On the basis of the scenes with Tywin and Arya

I, for one, am open to any "streamlining" the show does. Print storytelling can get away with slogging along, but not visual storytelling. I might feel differently if GRRM's story of The Song of Ice and Fire was finished, but it's not. Entirely too much time was spent with minutia in A Feast of Crows and A Dance with