
He's mostly kept in isolation. A rep from The Orca Project watched for two days and no one ever even gave him a toy.

You do realize lots of things kill and eat each other in the ocean, right? Whales kill other whales. Seals attack seals. Sharks eat sharks.

"increased separation of humans and killer whales."

$12k is an insult. I feel badly for having visited as a kid. I will never ever take kids there.

$12k doesn't seem like enough. They need to shut that place down. No tricks and shows at all.

It is caused by bowlegged-ness!

I always thought huge, gaping space between a person's thighs made them look bow-legged, but apparently that's what the kids today call "sexy".

Diet soda has zero calories. You can't have fructose and have zero calories. Eating 50 bananas is also not as bad as shooting heroin - you know, because of the fiber.

I am surprised Jezebel has only now discovered this woman. She and her boyfriend, who also has a youtube channel ("Durianrider") are completely insane and out of touch with reality. Durianrider's videos are basically just one long rant of crazy pseudoscience. I used to be interested in the raw food movement, but the

I know a girl who does this. She is an endurance runner and also "former" eating disorder person. As a fitness trainer I often see people using raw or vegan diets to try and cover up their issues.

usually eating meals consisting of a huge amount of a single fruit, such as two entire pinapples, five mangoes, two litres of orange juice, 1.4kg of apricots, or 20 bananas.

Yes, that photo looks weird and unnatural.

Not everyone is cool with that, but in some spaces it really is the only option (unless you wanna eat next to it, that is).

Jesus can't have a real wife because the Christian church is "the bride of Christ". He goes sniffin' around and next thing you know, there's the church, eight months pregnant screaming "he's my man, you whore!" at some poor confused Jewish girl.

I'm no expert, but this is how I understand it. It's weird. At the time, an unmarried rabbi would have been highly unusual. Unless Jesus was an Essene, which he might have been, and many Essenes were celibate.

Am I horrible for posting this on Facebook just to troll my religious relatives?

Both of those "studies" you posted are full of flaws. Do journalists even bother to read follow-ups to these studies after they are released? Or just assume anything written down as law and link away.

What about zero nic? I've cut down from smoking through vaping and no to no-nicotine liquids - I still do it because I enjoy the taste & "feel".

I will stand by the idea that it's still 10 times better than smoking cigarettes. I just know it. I quit smoking cigarettes and I love my ecig.

I don't cough up a lung every morning anymore now that I've been vaping, I'll take my chances.