
Can we please not call them "pro-vaxxers?" We don't call all tenured biologists pro-evolutionists or all board certified physicians pro-AIDS-truthers. There's no such thing as a pro-vaxx person or physician. There are normal, functional, educated people, and there are vaxx-deniers, AIDS-deniers, and evolution deniers.

Instead of "pro-vaxxers" can we just be "normal people" or "rational everyday humans?" I don't want these anti-vax people to be given any more ideas that this bullshit is a two-sided "debate."

"It's because of you I continue to work. Thank you! : )"

Raising her Q Score. Now we know what Jenny McCarthy's entire misguided, deadly anti-vaccination campaign has been about.

When tumblr ventures outside the house.

If you had bothered to read the article, you'd have read some really interesting interviews with Nepalese women. You might have learned what many of them actually think about the issue, instead of just assuming you already know. Now who's being offensive?

You know what? If having access to a toilet, sanitary napkins, and not having to sleep outside and fear rape or snakebites is "Western Propaganda," bring it on. This is a human rights issue for millions of women, who are being denied an education and a future over a biological process they have no say in. Culture

There are health risks to this whole practice: improper sanitation, not being able to fully clean menstrual cloths in order to avoid later infections, oh, AND BEING FORCED TO CLUMP UP IN TINY SHACKS WITHOUT ELECTRICITY AND RUN THE RISK OF RAPE AND SNAKE BITE. But you go on, defending "traditions" that are just more

" But while the debate gets caught up in the intricacies of cultural sensitivity, savior complexes, and neocolonial infiltration of ideologies, doing the right thing is not a colonial concept"

This is the biggest fucking load of garbage I see spouted on Gawker. A few butt-hurt anecdotes from people that were offended that a doctor offered them advice in line with his or her duty as a medical professional, does not equate with an entire profession "very much enjoying" fat shaming.


I don't think you're in the wrong. If you did anything to out their identity, sure. But what are we supposed to do? We need to tell our stories, the stories of our friends, etc. Because this shit is pervasive. Averting our eyes because of "privacy" implies this is a private problem, not a society steeped in rape

Nah, I know very, very few of those "naturally thin, IDGAF" people. And most of them started to develop a serious gut pretty early on in their 20s. I do know plenty of naturally thinner people who don't diet or exercise maniacally and largely eat what they want, but keep an eye on the scale, perform moderate exercise

I don't know anyone who thinks that an inactive skinny person is, by default, always healthier than an someone who looks overweight.

Isn't it just so fucking weird that people would want insight as to why someone would murder 26 children and his own mother?!

Stop. Just stop.

This isn't about race. For once, let it not be about race, because it isn't. It's about mental illness in the community, guns and unspeakable tragedy. Plenty of race issues to pick on; this is not one.

He/she also apparently dismissed my comment, copy-pasted here:

Why? She's put up with years of hurt and neglect from him. Banging Rust was the only means she had of getting rid of him properly - last time she found out he cheated he just harassed her till she caved in again. This time she made sure he wouldn't do that.

I love raw oysters so much. I have them every year for my birthday. Yummy yummy slippery sliding down my throat.