
A lot of adopted children will have behavior issues, whether you're rich or poor. The nine months you spend in womb can shape your life. If your bio mother is stressed, unhealthy, depressed, etc., it can cause you to have mental illness, addiction problems, etc. Mia also adopted a lot of children with disabilities.

The ambiguity about her age opened the door to speculation that Soon-Yi was a teenager—or even a minor—when her affair with Woody began, when in fact she was almost 21.

...I found the idea so ludicrous I didn't give it a second thought.

Is it? That seems weird and inexact. I don't like to think about either, but diddling seems very different than full on adult with adult-dick. Ugh, blech, bleach.

I'd probably be pretty off the rails for a while too if I'd just found out my long time partner had been fucking my kid. And agreed that has nothing to do with Dylan.

Tracy, you might want to note in your article that Woody also sent Mia a Valentine that year. He was trying to get back together with her and even including proposing marriage. Imagine that mindfucking manipulation. You'll find the below quote on page 7 of the linked VF article:

Yes, and HE is the victim.....seriously? You would think that he would understand how this would make him look, but no...and look it worked. Disgusting. There is an old interview, I will try and find it. It is from the first year or so after Mia Farrow adopted Soon-Yi and it really delves into the struggle this child

THIS. Pulling the most reprehensible shit possible and throwing up your hands in wry surprise when people react with justifiable outrage is a sure sign of sociopathic tendencies.

This Valentine was made public 20+ years ago. There's nothing new about it. Of course this makes you question Mia's stability, if this is all you see. If you wants facts from people who heard testimony and evidence at the time, read the judge's opinions in the custody/appellate cases:

The very thought is jaw-dropping, isn't it? The only positive thing to say about modern celebrity culture is if Allen and Polanski's crimes came out nowadays, they'd probably never work again (or at the very least, been unable to stuff their crimes behind veneration).

I think it is an apt interpretation of exactly what this man did to Ms. Farrow and her children. That he could not recognize that and tried to use it to make himself appear somehow a victim, just shows you the inner workings of narcissist.

Pretty scary? He molested one daughter and groomed and married another. Let's get our perspective right side up.

Is this more fucked up than him having an affair with her daughter?

I don't think she's doing a bad job. The things that are wrong/people complain about are more like writing/directing decisions. They cut / changed her relationship with her handmaids and they really haven't conveyed her internal dialog at all (missing from almost all characters, no idea how they could have done it

@suficonjerno: I'm in ketosis a lot as I eat incredibly high-fat. Eating this way has resolved all my health issues.

@kerry: Ketosis is not the result of burning amino acids for fuel. It is the result of burning fat for fuel. Ketones are a by-product of fat burning, not protein burning. So I think that wraps that up pretty neatly.

@kerry: Ketosis isn't a result of burning muscle for energy.

Ketosis is not dangerous. Ketoacidosis is dangerous and sounds like ketosis, but it is not the same.

@suficonjerno: No link has been proven between saturated fat (the "bad" fat) and heart disease:

I'm not saying she's not crazy in a lot of ways — but what on earth is the matter with eating 1,300 or 1,600 calories a day — especially for a woman who works in an office?