
George R. R. Martin doesn't kill off characters with logic! He kills them off with swords and pikes and what not.

You =

So I guess Leonard Bernstein was a "poor musician" too because he took pieces at a faster tempo than other composers?

You actually took time out of your day to write that, and click the "Publish" button. It's actually staggering to me. (I realize the irony, but come on, man. You're that person?)

Too bad it wasn't you out there taking a risk and showing how it's done.

Why don't you upload a video with yourself playing a sheng like the cunt you are?

Slowly but surely, everything I have been choosing to eat has been approved as actually healthy for me after all. I am a nutritional savant.

Women may not be going to the movies in drones because it's dangerous. I prefer a car when I head to the movies. Sometimes I walk, if it strikes* my fancy.

I actually haven't seen the movie, but I think for Spike to blow off questions about software and technology as irrelevant is incredibly disingenuous and petulant. Of COURSE technology and software plays a role here, if it wasn't important to the story they would have just been two people trying to connect. And every


Don't take that tone with me my good man! Now buttle off and tell Baron Brunwald that Lord Clarence McDonald and his lovely assistant are here to view the tapestries.

"I really wish people on this site would stop speaking on behalf of the Sami culture. I am Sami. I was born and raised in Norway (Where Frozen takes place.) I know alot of other Sami people. I am white and blonde. I look like Kristoff. Most of my Sami friends are also white. We are white. When people say that Disney

Sadly, I've now used up my profundity for the day. It's poop jokes from here on out.

No appreciation for the classics anymore... :p

I don’t understand why these movies get such a bad rap. These are movies starring a bunch of giant alien robots beating the shit out of each other, not Hamlet.

"Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen!"

The greatest villain of the past decade?!

I think only one word can sum this up

That was my first choice. This was my second:

Sandman. Because I learned more about world mythology and literature from those books than I did any class.