
she sings amazingly, the songs are great, she is legitimately gorgeous to look at and she dances like James Brown. How on earth is she not the biggest star?

why isn't this magical person bigger than Beyoncé or Taylor Swift?

Andddd look how quickly we got off topic from the point I was making. Thanks, internet!

I look forward to your reply to this comment where you talk about your favorite brownie recipes.


Who needs all these fancy new doodads. You don't know what livin' is 'til you drive a team of horse like I used to. All these ridiculous wires you stick in your ears to hear a bunch of caterwauling from some half-dressed floozie. We didn't need all this new-fangled shit to have fun in my day. We'd just walk out into

The preferred nomenclature is "Baynal"

I agree wholeheartedly. So maybe he takes these roles because he is interested in them and the process. Does he need the infinity million dollars? You know who was the real Johnny Depp all along? Brad Pitt. All thought the nineties, he supported his troubled-stud-period-dramas like a champ, the golden boy in every

SECOND THIS. Do you think someone will write an essay about how her tongue can be read as a symbolic phallus? (I volunteer as tribute if none of your students do)

I don't think she has any interest in outliving it...and that's kind of awesome.

Or maybe just smoke and mirrors?

This is the most important article Jezebel has written all week.

It is super glamorous!

"he got cold cocked in the mouth." Tee hee.

They did that in the porn version, In Diana Jones.

There is nothing similarly evil to a cat. Not even close.

Mostly in this for the scenes where Michael Fassbender and Michael Fassbender share a special moment together.

Now this... this is the best evidence ever that the world has changed. Growing up, if one of my teachers had threatened to spoil the details of a series of fantasy novels, 90% of the class wouldn't have cared at all. Most of the troublemakers would have been jocks and others who barely read, let alone read a "nerdy"

My ideal spin-off is an Arya Stark and Sandor Clegane buddy cop comedy where they reunite & travel throughout Westoros fighting crime.

Meanwhile the cat is like "what the fuck is wrong with you, man? Show some self-respect.".