
Clever girl.

there was no "moment" of creation.

I've forgotten everything i learned back in history class and my currently knowledge of medieval England is half-remembered scenes from A Knights Tale...

As opposed to that other Gillian Anderson.

Does anyone know the trailer song? I need to download it and dance in my room pretending to be a Dothraki princess, as per usual.

I cannot pick a moment this specifically ties to in the trailer, so let's just go with... all of it?

Cobie Smulders screaming is never not funny.

I feel like the biggest problem is the lighting on her face. It doesn't really match that which is on the horse.

Agreed - there's about as much real left in the shot as in the movie. It's also way below the quality/realism that Annie would have allowed even a few years ago. Such is life and the demands of the IRS.

Now playing

I'm incredibly slowly (thanks to my day job) working on a sequel to this.

The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. Five-book series about a young boy and girl growing up in a mystical, magical land of sorcerers etc. and learning who they are. Wonderful, wonderful books.

Some science fiction—and fantasy—I read before I was 18:

The Phantom Tollbooth. I remember reading this as a kid, and just loving every bit of its world. One country of only numbers versus another of only letters, people growing down instead of up...ridiculously entertaining... It's honestly what made me want to get into and experience more of the sci fi genre...it was

A Wrinkle In Time.


It introduces the concept of string theory and makes being smart cool. Plus, just a great read.

(also: Peter Pan)

You misspelled "prolly".

But, lady Dwarves have beards!

Or Burn Gorman in Pacific Rim. Nailed it.

"Jump Street...in SPAAAACE!"

Just what I want in my anime adaptations: whitewashing and dubstep