
I don't even think his acting is bad anymore. Did you see 'Extract'? He's kind of playing the next-door neighbor character from 'Office Space,' but he's genuinely hilarious and at-ease, just like you say - like he's finally figured it all out. Props to him I say.

Gone Baby Gone was genuinely stellar filmmaking. Affleck is a smart man who knows what he's doing.

There's something about the peanut gallery of crows that makes that classic endlessly amusing.


Bay 12, Emma, please.

I must have one of those pocket goats. I will carry it around in a tote bag and teach it to ride on the back of my horse.

I'm totally going to see the shit out of this movie. Hot ladies, Colin Farrell, explosions, overblown design, remake of one of my favorite cheesetastic sf films evar: count me in!

Did you ever see that semi-boring BBC mini he was in where he played a surly factory owner in the Olden Victorian Type Daes? He was DEEPLY hot in it.


Can I ask a dumb question? When he's referring to 'Buffy Season 8' or 'Angel's network,' he's talking about comics, right? Are they described the same way TV shows are? Confused....

He's also one of my favorite characters in the book, just because his arc is so fantastic. It was like getting a punch to the nads when his character transformed like that.

Guillermo is my big fat Twinkie-eating hero. Here's to the nerds, gettin' theirs.

AND those two actors are perfection for those characters!

Those are fuuuuuuucking cooooool!

Yeah I was thinking he's a bit like a seal. Extreme wiggle quotient.

I heard your opinion loud and clear the first time...please don't keep internet-yelling at me.

I've seen it. He was totally funny. But not amazing. I was amazed by the little girl in 'Beasts of the Southern Wild,' by John Hawkes in 'Winter's Bone,' by Peter Capaldi in 'In the Loop.'

I'm not sure I would describe Channing Tatum's talent as 'amazing.'

Honey? Guess what. Go to college. See exhibit A: Natalie Portman.

Hit Girl's future would be the main reason I'd see this sequel. The first was fine but I spent the entire time waiting for the next time she was on screen.