
Thank you!

Big question: 3D or 2D? I've been irked by the last few 3D films I bothered with, but I will ALWAYS regret not seeing HTTYD in 3D in the theatre.

I don't need science to tell me an Irish accent is hawt.

FUCKING AWESOME!!! Pure art, with a soul. Someone is a McQueen fan, no pun intended. ;)

No, I meant the racing aspect - I said 'to run fast purely to make money.'

Well, he does sniff jackets.

Something this article assiduously avoids is that greyhounds have been overbred by humans to run fast purely to make money, while cheetahs run fast coz bitches gotta eat. I know you're kidding when you say 'those damn dogs are so slow,' but generations of abuse don't reeeeeeally make that a laughing matter.

It's on the Netflix Instant!

Well played, Cyriaque! I myself was bowled over by the sparkling wit demonstrated in this trailer, the epic epicness of seeing four or five people running at each other in a massive crane shot, and the incomprehensibility of Lee Pace looking like Jack Sparrow after a hash bender.

AAAAAAAAA the first teaser gave me the special tingles. This one just ups the ante. Looks like a masterwork.

Fun! I'm a 40 year old female with an uncalibrated monitor and I'm a color blind carrier (meaning I'm color defective) and I still scored an 8, first try, in about 3 minutes. Not bad for an old lady without glasses.

I have many fond memories of deconstructing Barbie at my friends' houses and turning her into mad scientist experiments.

Well played, sir.

I'm still trying to figure out that moment at the end of the trailer where his face cycles through a bunch of other faces - I swear one of them is Keanu. Win!

I liked the black goo in District 9 better. No clue what it really was, and it didn't even matter. All we needed to know was it made a ship go and it turned a person into an alien. Awesome.

My sentiments precisely. I actually rolled my eyes at the turgid affair which was the latest trailer.

*Doffs newsboy cap* Touche!

It does rather have a life of its own. Maybe it will decide to go to the dark side of its own volition.

My husband and I love her so much that in our house, whenever you say 'no,' you have to say it like this: 'newwwwwww,' which is how she says it when fending off Ryan Phillipe's unwanted advances in 'Gosford Park.'

Sooner or later, one must murder her darlings. :(