

I am in agreement with your proposal. Both notions necessitate a Speedo scene plus further robot-punching.

And anyhow, awesomest light clothing evar: HYPERCOLOR!!

Honey, I'm a costume designer. I get to work with beautiful men and women all the time, in both film and theatre.

This is a cool idea but somehow these images look really flat, like the luminosity is just a layer on top of the layer of the model photo. Meh.

Yeah the horse zombies were fucking sick. I thought I was over zombies but I almost fell off the couch yelling in glee at that last crane shot going up over the Other army!


One hopes!

Oh, the Dutch are just wackola when it comes to design. One of my favorite places in the world is Droog in Amsterdam, a design shop with the craziest shit you can imagine for sale!

Ohhhhhhh nooooooooo.....their work is so beautiful....I saw an exhibition of their illustrations once and found it fascinating how they worked together to create each image. Now that's teamwork.

I think this film suffered ultimately from the fact that the script was written by a guy while he was an NYU film student and then polished by one of the dreariest screenwriters out there. If you start with a wonk story, the rest of it is just hoping against hope that shit will work, and ultimately that game plan

Mad skills, that guy has 'em!


Mmmm-hmmm. *frowns, folds arms, slowly nods head*

Well played!

Our catmint (which flourishes in the garden) often has a squashed appearance from all the neighborhood cats taking a nap in the middle of it.

Beautiful, comprehensive list Annalee!

Although he and Charlize together there look like a couple of cyborg supermodels....a bit terrifying!

Thanks to all involved for this!!

Well played, sir!