
But I wouldn't really call something like 'A History of Violence' realistic, it's based on a graphic novel. For sure this ain't no Naked Lunch, at least!

I gotta say, I love where Cronenberg has gone the past decade or so. I'm sure there are lots of people who prefer his bizarro old shit, but I think he's now dancing on a much more intriguing razor's edge between populist and alienating entertainment. And it's GOOOOD!

I know, but doesn't the story sound *high pitched voice, waves both hands* A-MA-ZING? I have faith in Jordan.

Hey how do you know! Maybe my car wash will be like the GloboGym one.

You are so right. It's like the actor's version of sequel-itis.

I read 'black jaguar' and for some reason my mind changed it to 'sex panther.'

The best clip is still the one of ScarJo doing her thing. I think I'm kinda tired of RDJ's schticky schtick. However, I'd also be perfectly content to have this film be 2 hours of the Chrises taking their shirts off in slo-mo, so I might not be the best judge here.

Love the Weyland logo as part of the fingerprint. Delish!


Mine too. There's just something about these insane long titles where you say it and you can just hear Kubrick chortling somewhere.

Well, in an alternate reality it WAS invented in the 80s, only it was called 'Lougle.'

Really, with this plus the bored French existential cat, why bother with anything else on the Inter Webs?

Mm I don't give a shit about that. That's the producer's milieu anyhow and I'm a production designer who just expects my check to show up thanks to my contract, plus, what else would you expect from a studio chief? For me, above all, a director like that who keeps things running smooth with a smile, who understands

Oh man this is like stuffing a bowl of candy in my face. So awesome to watch a master at work, and seeing how he's so friendly and easy with the kids and adults alike - yet always professional and on-the-job. We should all be so lucky to work with someone like that.

That film is beautiful. He has such a wonderful understanding of what it means to be young, both visually and emotionally.

I agree. Kathryn Bigelow. OR you know who would be dope because she has a sensational understanding of character, far more than Bigelow? Lisa Cholodenko.

Hm. Maybe it'll be, like, a wagon drawn by a shaggy pony?

What!? *immediately begins hunting through the Instant Netflix*

AND pour a healthy dose of melted cheese on top of it.

I love 'transitional' (my fake academic word for any movie released at the cusp of a new decade and therefore new set of trends) movies from the late 90s. All those bland romantic older-teen pseudo-comedies about college and high school and prom and shit, where everyone wears platforms and listens to Eve 6. They are