
Agreed. Cameron isn't a postdoc at a state school in marine biology. His only obligation to the world is to not make movies that suck.

I do agree that the visual characterization of the Dothraki in the show is pretty damned weak. The costume designer does a sensational job on every character group in the show EXCEPT for them. I mean, come on; even real primitive tribesmen have known for millenia how to make complex garments that fit and don't make

Totally. I would guess their idea of a D&D player comes from mentally digging back into the late 70s and assuming the demographic is exactly the same, 30 years later. Which is not only silly, but bad journalism!

Your statement about the lack of a 'main evil' is really interesting and something that a lot of storytellers struggle with; it makes sense that it could make it harder to become engaged by the plot. If I can also make a correlative suggestion - don't forget that the whole story of GoT is also based on the 16th

Step to the left, pa'li!

It makes me sad that Eiko's legacy ended with this and 'The Immortals.'

As usual, CJA, thanks for giving us the ups! I always appreciate seeing my students out there rockin' shit. :)

I can't believe there's almost no bruising. That is extraordinary. AND they gave him a badass nose!

AND dirty dirty Colin Farrell. I'm ahead of you in line!

I mean - I recognize the epic amount of Hollywoodizing that went on with this project - but couldn't they at least have put some shadows with makeup under everyone from District 12's eyes? Told the actors to suck in their cheeks? Something, for crissake! I heard an interview the other day with Liam Hemsworth who said

AGGHHH!! I am so glad you linked to that RISD professor's site. Isn't he amazing? He's an amazing touchstone for visual storytellers.

The film was super-uneven. Soderbergh's bananas camerawork made me want to choke a baby otter, but then there were some great thoughtful moments too. Lousy pacing clashed with some appealing story choices. Shitshow design and effects on one hand, intriguing design and effects on the other. Some totally solid acting,


Ahh! Despretz is such a good illustrator.

Meredith, that GIF of the big-assed wiggle worm (to use your charming phrase) doing the nasty to Shaw's face in that pod is giving me the sincere heebie-jeebies!

I agree! Anyhow, many scientists are pompous asses - they just aren't famous like him. And at least he goes balls deep - shit, he probably forgot more physics than I ever learned while developing 'Avatar.'

Yeah, I gotta agree with Hosin. The subtleties of archetypical fairy tale characters is not so much for Hollywood, unfortunately. And anyhow, when I look at Stewart I don't think 'pure,' I think 'stoner.' ;)

Yeah no offense to Stew, who's blandly pretty enough, but it would take some serious special effects to get us to believe her hotness is > Charlize.

Maybe they ought to pull a John Carter and re-title this 'Snow White Will Never Be as Magnificent as Queen Charlize.'